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The competition has officially been won by Vanilla Religions Expanded idea. Congratulations to everyone who submitted their mod proposal, and a round of applause for the winner.

Could Benjamin Dills contact us here on Patreon to initiate a conversation?

During the upcoming couple of days we will draft a mod proposal, keeping everyone informed on how the progress is going every step of the way. This is going to be fun!

Thank you all very much for taking part in our first competition! I will make sure there will be more of them!



Congratulations Benjamin! Religion is something I think a lot of people have been itching for, and I think it'll bring a lot to all different types of play styles!


Looking forward to this mod. There is a religion mod on steam but I don't know if the mod author is actively working on it.


It was updated the day after this announcement with a complete rewrite I believe. Perhaps the idea here could shift to fit in alongside it rather than duplicate it. The feature set here is virtually the same


I am sorry but one rule I always follow when designing a mod is to not obey any constraints - I will not change my design decisions based on the fact that someone else released a similar mod. Where possible I can try and make them compatible, but I will not go an extra mile for that.