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It was game over for me and my absolute best friend. We had been best friends since school, through life and through work. He even got a new tattoo to mark the occasion. Now you might not think that him leaving the place we worked at as a big deal for two best friends but for me it was. He had gained a promotion in a new company far away from where we both lived and he was moving away. Too far for me to visit frequently and in a different time zone so even calls would be difficult.

He tried to comfort me and I tried to stay strong but it was too much for me to handle. Eventually he said he might have a solution. He said if I wanted too he would allow me to connect with him a few times a week and if I agreed he would allow me swap bodies with him.

It was never going to be the same. We had such a strong bond but I felt sure it would help. He told me the first swap and the swap back needed to be a week apart and for those first two times we would need to physically swap. That meant a sexual encounter with him, but after that, we could just swap using an app and even then we had a few options. We could transform into each other and stay where we were. That meant not being able to see anyone we knew. Or we could transfer our minds into each others bodies and stay as long as we wanted too.

It wasn't really his body I wanted, it was his mind and becoming him would give me access to his mind too. I'd be able to connect with him and get my fix of him. Fuck it. A body swap would be amazing. Luckily it was two weeks to the day until he was due to leave so we would swap today, and then back again in a week, and after that we could swap or transform into each other with the press of a few buttons on an app. We both downloaded the app and it gave one simple instruction for today and in a weeks time. Fuck each other. It didn't have to mean anything, it was just sex. After the event our bodies would transform into each others and our minds would merge and connect.

Lewis’s body was more muscular than mine and less hairy and I was looking forward to experiencing it as my own. My body was a little shorter and I had a bit more weight to me. I wasn't fat by any means, just lazy so I couldn't be bothered with the gym. We both had tattoos that we had gotten together. We knew almost everything about each other, we had seen the entirety of each other's bodies and we knew each other's sizes, from clothes and shoes right down to penis sizes. However, nothing prepares you for the sight of another man rock hard penis, knowing that it would be entering you in a few moments, then that dick would be yours a little later.

We both got naked in Lewis’s bedroom. Lewis went first lifting my legs over his head and resting his ankles on my shoulders. He added some lube to his fingers and pushed them into my ass. Then he placed a little more lube on his penis. He then guided his penis into my ass. He told me he was going to try to take my mind off the momentary pain I was bound to experience as his lens went further and deeper inside me and began to lick my feet and suck my toes. Ryan, I hope your enjoying this he said. I certainly was and I hadn't noticed that the initial pain had now gone. And he had stopped licking my feet and was fucking me hard. It took him only a few minutes to cum. I soon swapped places with him and fucked him too.

We both felt the changes immediately, I felt my self grow in height and I felt my dick longer which was still inside him. We both began to shudder and shake. I was in absolute ore as I saw his tattoos disappear, his piercings too as well as his cobble stone abs. His feet grew on my shoulders. He developed all of my features my stomach without abs, my hairy chest my facial hair. Everything about him was now an exact replica of me and he grinned using my smile as he realised I was also now him. It felt amazing. Our memories and knowledge copies to each other and the switch was complete. Wow!

Like I said, it wasn't his body I wanted, it was his presence around me. However, now I had his body I didn't want to give it up. It looked different, smelt different, felt different and it definitely handled different. I found myself touching myself as much as possible during that first week and experiencing things I'd tried 100s of times before all fell completely new. After a week we swapped back, the week after the app said we were both ready to swap whenever we felt like it.

I offered to help him on moving day. But he offered one better and let me have his body and mind for the day. A few weeks on and we spend more time with each others bodies than our own. Life is great and I don't miss him at all because I'm often him



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