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Yo boss, can we go home too?

What do you mean go home too?

Well, the digger driver - he has gone and we can't do anything else without him.

Gone, where? Has not said where? Wait, has he left anything behind?

Don't think so. Wait, the keys are still in the digger and his boots. That's weird.

I think I know what's happened. It's that illness going around. And here is only one cure known and only one way to get you two working again. If one of youmdoesnt do this he will be lost forever.

You mean the illness where people disappear?

Yep, that's the one.

And one of us needs to become him to get him back, that cure takes a week. I'm not sure either of us wants to be him for a week.

One of you will have too. Look, it's simple. Become him for a week once he has reappeared you can get your own body back.

Yes, we get it, one of us becomes him he reappears with one of our bodies growing from our boots, then if he wants too we swap back. What if he doesn't want too?

What if you dont want too? It's a risk for him too! You get his body and his knowledge, you are both out of work until we get another driver if you don't do it.

I guess. Fine, I'll do it.

I sat in the seat of the digger and removed my own socks and boots. Luckily we had the same size boot. He hadn't been gone long, his boots were still warm. I slid my naked feet into each of his boots and I felt violated. My toes didn't quite line up with the indents in the boots and my flat feet felt uncomfortable as he clearly had arched feet.I couldn't come to terms with the fact my feet were now touching someone else's boots with all their sweat and dirt in there. My violation continued as I felt the transformation begin with my feet at first. I was in a lot of pain and I felt sick.

My body was changing at an alarming rate. This is disgusting I thought to myself. I wanted nothing more than for it to stop and I removed his boots but the changes continued, in fact they probably got even faster.

Soon enough I was relieved that it was over and I was now him completely. It's only a week it's only a week I kept repeating to myself



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