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I may look happy as a chav, but I wasn't. I hated the way I looked, even when I dressed in less chavvy clothes I still looked like a chav, even when wearing a suit! It had gotten so bad I even decided to join a gym and try to change my looks.

The gym depressed me even more, all the other lads sweating with all their muscles. I couldn't gain any muscle so it looked like I was destined to be a chav.

That was until I heard one of the muscle guys talking about a body swap solution. He even said that his current body wasn't his real one! He was a pure God compared to me and the fact he had stolen his current body made me want to take his as my own! I ordered some of the body swap solution. I even ordered an exact copy of all of his clothes, right down to his underwear even his towel.

The solution arrived and I went to the gym dressed just like him with all my clothes covered in the body-swapping solution. Now when I take my gear off and someone else wears it they will turn into me. Themsecomd part of the plan was following him around until he took a shower. He knew I was up to something, I followed his routines to the letter. And he clearly noticed I was dressed jnmthe same hear he was.

Finally I saw him head off for a shower, I waited a short while and followed him in. As usual he left his sweaty gym gear on the benches. I could hear him in the showers and now was my chance. I covered his sweaty gear with the body swapping solution and placed my gear where his was. Exactly where his was. Then I disappeared into a private cubicle.

I started to sift through his gear, I didn't have long I needed to change before he got out of the shower. Picking up his underwear, an amazing pair of grey briefs with a white band. The solution was working. My hands had already changed into his. I pulled the briefs up my legs. Everywhere they touched momemterially transformed into his, my feet, my legs but then as soon as they were further up my feet and legs became me again. Then I planted the briefs around my waist and my dick and butt transformed. Fuck, I knew he was big, but not this big.

Next I grabbed his socks, put them on and my feet, ankles and toes turned into his. Then his shorts. All of my legs were now his. Finally his t-shirt, was very sweaty but I didn't care. As it flowed over my head it transformed my head, my arms and my body. I think that's everything. Yep, none of me left, I'm all him!

I heard him come out of the showers, and begin to get dressed. Imkmew he was changing I could hear it happening. I peaked through the door and he was putting my t shirt on. As soon as he was me, I walked out and surprised him.

What the fuck, he said in my voice, you are me and I sound different.

Yep, I'm you and you are me, I hope you like your new body.

How is this even possible?

You know how

you stole this body remember?

Yes, I remember.

But you won't as soon as I slip on your sneakers.

Please don't, I don't want to be you, I look like a chav.

You are a chav, a very good-looking chav. Enjoy.

I slipped on this sneaks and got all of his memories and he instantly forgot he once owned this body.

Now be a good chav and suck your masters dick!

I think a continuation of this, maybe the owner of the body I tookmrememners he once owned this guy and comes to take it back? What do you think?

Would you want to be the chav, or the muscle God or find out whose body he stole?




Chav guy for me..