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Sorry bro, there's no room for you, seats are all the way back so you just won't fit. We can't take you today, you'll have to walk.

Sure there's room, there is no way in hell I'm walking.

Honestly, there's no room.

There are two seats in the front. I'll just occupy one of those.

Yeah, well you can't drive so technically there's only one! Look at you with all your fancy words. “Occupy”!

That’s it then, I’ll take your seat since I can’t drive.

Okay, well I’m in my seat, so there’s no room.

There is plenty of room, inside your body.

Inside my body, your taking the piss ain’t you?

No, I’m not taking the piss. I’ll ride in the car, in your seat inside your body. I ain’t walking! Don’t worry, there’s no risk to you, I’ll just merge into you whilst we get to our destination. Your still you whilst I’m inside, I’m just there for the ride but I still experience what you see, feel and hear.

Fine, so long as there’s no risk. Jump in!

You know your “under armour” T-shirt is so appropriate. Just relax. I'm gonna sit on your lap and sink inside you. I'll be under your armour.

Okay. Wait, how do I get you out?

Oh yeah, I should probably tell you that bit, shouldn't I? I'll be stuck inside you until you next cum, whether that be half an hour or two days. I won't be able to get out until you cum. Oh and don't duck anyone whilst I'm inside you. It's a hand job only. If you fuck someone with me inside ill go inside them.

Trust me it won't be two days. Now I'm not so pleased since you experience everything I do, You gonna feel my orgasm!

And it will be the best orgasm you have ever experienced, trust me. In fact, it will be so good you'll want me inside you again!

I doubt it. But fine, just get it over with, and jump in.

I sat on his knee and got my body into a position as close to his as possible. I laid my hands, fingers and arms into him, his sick got hard, really hard and ripped a hole in his clothes and mine and penetrated my butt, it hurt like hell.

Dude, what the fuck, get off me now. I didn't agree to fuck you.

Relax, it's all part of the process, embrace it. Don't worry, you won't cum.

I began to sink down with his body going inside me, the second he was fully inside me, his body erupted out of me and the merge was complete. Even though I was bigger than him there was no evidence of me being inside him. He looked in the tiny mirror in the cars vanity screen and he looked stunned. He grabbed onto his dick and was horrified that it was still hard. He looked at his driver mate.

Dude, I feel invaded, my dick has just been in another mans arse and its still hard, I've a good mind to cum and get him out of me.

Bro, all of you has just been inside another man, your right to be mad and I guess invasion is the right word, but you made a deal to take him with us, we, or rather you should respect that. You can't even tell he's in there.

I suppose.

The rest of the journey was uneventful, even though had no control over his body, I still felt amazing. I could smell his Cologne and sweat. Imclukd feel every twist and turn his body made right down to his clothes brushing against his skin. I could even see through his eyes and feel his thoughts as if they were my own. He kept me inside him for about six hours when he finally came to rest in his room for the finale. His cock had been raging all day, I made sure of that and he had struggled to contain his dick in his trousers and hide his errection. He also had to avoid the urge to cum. Now it was time. He Kat on the bed in the hotel room and began to stroke his dick. As promised it was the best orgasm he had ever experienced and it didn't take him long to cum.

I instantly felt his orgasm and I began to rise from his body. But suddenly a thud and I came crashing back down into him. Something was still rising though. A body. However, I wasn't moving. I thought maybe it worked differently, maybe he had to come out of me, the same way I went in.

I was very very wrong. There was indeed a body leaving his, it was mine. Somehow we had swapped bodies and I was now him and he was now me. I was finishing his orgasm into the butt of my former body and he felt every pulse pump into him but couldn't get off him/me quick enough. He was furious that I had made him get fucked by a guy.

However, he was even more furious when he realised his own dick had filled him up with his own cum.

He went to punch me but then stopped when he realised he no longer had the power to hurt me with his weaker upper body. Then I reminded him that if he hurt me he would only be hurting himself.

We have tried to swap back a few times, merging together as often as we could. at first it was hourly, then daily, weekly. Right now it's whenever he feels like it but nothing we do will let us swap back. I have to admit I prefer it this way.



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