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Boss, is this the guy who is taking over from me?

Yeah! He's fresh out of the Academy.

Well, I can't leave security of the entire site in the hands of him. Even if the site is closed!

Why not?

Well for one thing he's currently making the peace sign for a random passerby who is snapping a picture. But there's not much between the ears.

Oh? He's passed all the pre-checks and all the courses in the academy. Let me check his records.

Well either he cheated or this isn't the same guy. I'll have to pull a double shift and send him home.

You can't do a double shift because it will turn into a triple.

Just get me someone else.

There isn't anyone else. You can't work 36 hours its against the law. More than 12 is too. Wait.. I've found out why he was approved so quickly. He joined us on the switcher programme. His duties only include minding another persons body for 12 hours.

A body minder? What the hell is one of those?

It's a new trial programme, not many have heard of it yet. Basically he takes your body and minds it for up to 12 hours before returning it to you.

Seriously, the company is trialling that? Saving money?

No, there's a labour shortage, it's the only way we can get enough bodies on the books.

Okay, so who's body is he minding? I take it some one suitably qualified is coming to “swap” with him whilst their body gets minded!

No one else is coming lewis, Dylan is your minder.

I've got to let my body be minded by him? And then use his body for the next 12 hours?

Yep. It's the only way!

Boss, he's completely different to me. He's like bigger and goofier! I don't know if im going to like having his body and im sure as hell not about to trust him with mine.

And he returns with my body in 12 hours and we swap back and i do another 12 hours?

Exactly and you'll have to continue like that until we find someone else who can actually replace you.

Fucking awesome! Not! Not got a lot of choice have I? How do we even “swap” bodies?

Just shake his hand. He has an implant inside it, his mind will instantly be removed from his body enter yours where it will take over your body and assume control, your mind will follow the same route into his body. He will take your body away for rest and return exactly 12 hours later.

And what if he doesn't return? If he doesn't bring my body back.

He has too. It's all automatic and he is preprogrammed to return. Even if he doesn't the auto recall will transfer your mind out of his body anywhere in the world after a period of 48 hours.

Fine, I'll video call you in a while, when I've got his body!

That will be funny to see.

I bet.

Yo! Dylan, over here, apparently you’re here to mind my body.

Yes Lewis, I mean sir! It’s my first time on the job, but I've done this 100s of times in the academy.

What about food, uniform and hygiene. Food and uniform will be delivered to you within the hour. Probably already in your locker. As for hygiene that's upto you!

Fine! Just a handshake yes? And no funny business while your in my body!

Just a handshake Sir. And all I'm allowed to do is take care of your body. Eat, clean, sleep return that's all im allowed to do.


Fuck, I felt nothing and im you.

Yes sir! Enjoy your shift.



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