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Hey man, fancy being our third wing man?

This wing man, I don't understand.

Yeah, we go to the track almost every night but we can't race unless we have a third just as back up.

If you go almost every night where's your usual third man?

He backed out, fed up with things changing all the time he said!

Well I guess so, what does it involve.

Hop on, you'll find out everything you need to know on the way.

Hop on, there is hardly room for two of you, let alone three!

Oh we missed a bit out, We should probably start remembering to tell people about it before they agree to be the third wing man. Let me tell you this though, we don't offer third wing man to just anyone. Only people we like!

Okay, what else does this involve?

Well your right only really room for one of us. Plus on the road, only one of us, aka me, is insured to drive. But all three of us need to be there!

So the other two jump in a taxi or something?

Not exactly! The other two ride inside me. We become one!

Oh now i understand. That's why your previous third got fed up of things changing all the time. He didn't know who he was, he got his own body back and dropped out. I've heard about this body joining thing. Once your inside someone, you come out as a different person.

Exactly, but it's only for a day. We swap bodies for a day, swap again the next and on the third your back to yourself again. I don't know why people don't like it, I find it quite thrilling and I love it when we get a new third to experience, a new thrill. If your not up for it then we will miss out tonight but im sure we can find someone else for tomorrow.

Oh, you think im not up for it. Well I am more up for it than you imagine. I'd be thrilled to experience your bodies and be your third. Who is the designated driver?

I am. Said the one in the grey tracksuit.

Cool, so how does it even work?

Well, the system is all built into the bike. It only activated when there are three of us sitting on it. You'd sit on the back, give me a kind of Bear hug, you'd merge into me. Then I'd do the same and merge into him. He drives us to the track, gets off the bike and we separate. On the return journey we do the same. But when we separate back here you left in the body you entered, and whoever is in the body of him gets the guy at the back. It's smooth, simple and painless.

Cool, when is your next race? In about an hour but we need to be there soon, we gotta warm up on the track and things first.

Awesome. All I need to do is get on the bike behind you and hug you from behind.

Yep, exactly that. It's only about 10 minutes away.

Fuck, here goes!

Moments later I was on the back of their bike, I edged myself up to him as close as I could and wrapped my arms around his chest.

Woah, you don't need to get this close or big me that tightly!

Sorry man, I didn't realise! It is obviously my first time!

Relax, your merging. Enjoy it bro!

I was soon inside him and I felt amazing. Although I wasn't able to do anything I could still experience everything he was doing. I felt him wrap his arms around the guy in the grey tracksuit and the merger happen again. Things got a little foggy now as I was now deep inside the first man but I could still experience everything he did. I felt gloves slip into his hands, a helmet be placed over his head. I even felt his leg mice as he used the kick start then I felt the bikes vibrations and the wind hitting him as he rode the bike.

After about ten minutes I felt his body take off the helmet and gloves and get off the bike. Suddenly we were separated once more and we were at that track.

They let me ride a little but they stole the show as the experienced riders, even won a few races.

Before long it was time to head home so once again we merged. I felt everything again, only this time things weren't as foggy. As he stepped off the bike. Things felt different. I was him now, the one who I had merged with. I'm not sure 24 hours is going to be king enough exploring his body as my own. But at least tomorrow I will get to be the grey tracksuit boy.

I probably should of learned their names before agreeing to this though!



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