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Look, there is no easy way to say this, but unfortunately, your services are no longer required. I know it's only 3 days since you started with us, but we have had complaints.


Yes, this is a family firm in a high-end part of town, and the residents on-site don't appreciate your looks. They say with all the tattoos and muscle constantly on show that it creates a bad image for the firm.

Boss its boiling out there, I can't exactly cover them up and it's not like they are offensive.

I know. Like I said there isn't an easy way to say it. We will of course keep you on the books until the end of the month and if we get another contract in a less saught after estate, we will of course bring you back.

Don't the women of the estate find me attractive?

Well, yes I guess that may be part of the problem. It's the guys more I think. Most of them are office workers and they probably feel threatened by you.

Ah I see. What if my body was sat in the office all day, where all my tattoos can get covered? Would that work for you?

I guess, but there aren't any office jobs available.

I meant yours. You have my body, sit at the desk, doing the paperwork and stuff, I'll take yours and do all the stuff I normally do.

A body swap? Is that even possible?


Well, err. I guess that could work. You'd need to scrub your body up a little, get rid of the grubby hands and finger

nails, have a shave and come in wearing a suit.

Yeah, all that is possible. You'd need to be wearing some gear suitable for a building site.

How does it even work?

It's really easy, we wear each other's socks and shoes. If we wear each others hats then we also get each others minds, so its a body and life swap.

I think a body swap will be good enough. I expect you here tomorrow, scrubbed up, wearing a suit.

Don't you want to test it now boss?

Become you, right now, exactly as you are? I guess so! How long for?

Let's say an hour, make sure we are compatible. Here, slip on my socks and boots like they are your own.


I slipped on his socks and boots just like he told me, he slipped on mine. I highly doubted this was going to work. His boots were huge and heavy, his socks were warm, damp and smelly. We probably should if recorded this first instance as of ever I needed proof that I was really the boss, it would be needed. It would also of been funny to watch.

Both of us cramped forward with severe pain in our stomachs, then we were flung backwards in our seats, we were now eyeballing each other. The next thing to happen was the disappearance of all our clothes, they kind of faded away and fizzled under our skin.

Then all of our hair disappeared, and that too receded under our skin. I'm was watching him very closely now. His tattoos were fading away, as was his muscle, all of it. His skin was becoming paler by the second. He then began to grin from ear to ear. I had been observing him too closely and hadn't noticed my own body changing. My skin had darkened tattoos were making my skin itch as they appeared on almost every body part. My muscles were expanding and I felt like I was going to explode. He was getting smaller and smaller and I was getting bigger and bigger. My nose began to itch, at first I thought it was the newly placed piercing, but I'm so on realised it was that worker smell. I had been close to each and every man working for me, but never had I smelt their bodies through my own nose. It was thrilling. He too noticed the itch, but the scent he was getting was cologne, not a day's work body odor. I felt absolutely huge. I noticed he suddenly had a boner. I looked down to see that my borrowed monster was also hard. Then I saw my hands, my filthy hands. Oh wow, this was amazing, but disgusting at the same time. Hairs grew from our bodies and then clothes reappeared from under our skin, can't appeared in the table in front of us.

Fuck, boss I feel tiny, and my body looks amazing on you.

And I feel huge. So what should we do for an hour?

Nothing we can do boss. Just sit here and chat I guess.

I know one thing I'm going to do, if it's ok with you, since this is your body.

Oh yeah?

I'm gonna shower, I, well, you stink!

Go for it, I'm just gonna watch some baseball on tv.

That next half hour in the shower was my best ever time in my memories, exploring my body, my borrowed hulk of a body. I wished for some more time as him. Oh yeah, that's tomorrow, maybe once in a while he will let me take his body home...

So how was your shower boss?

Amazing actually.

I guess we had better swap back then?

Sure thing.

The process was exactly the same, I shrank and he grew.

So, tomorrow boss, you want me cleaner than this?

Much cleaner, clean hands, shaven face and a suit if you have one? And hide them tattoos, I don't want the clients upset.

Sure thing.

The next day be arrived, suited and booted, clean shaken and clean. We swapped. Now we don't every day. I haven't had the courage to ask if I can take his body home yet, but I don't think he will mind me borrowing his work boots anyway.



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