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Yo! Captain, corporal, commander, shit what do we call you?

It's commodore! You can see from my stripes.

Seriously, stripes define your rank.. Anyway, we're here to sign up for this army gig!

Oh really? I don't think we are looking for anyone right now.

But the army is ALWAYS recruiting.

Let me be clearer! We aren't recruiting anyone like you lot, we haven't become desperate over


That sucks. We gotta join Commodore, out parents said don't come back without a uniform.

Mc Donalds staff wear a uniform, maybe you should try there? Actually… wait… there is one way you can join.


Yes. I have four lads desperate for a break. At least their bodies need a break. We could come to some kind of arrangement where we let your bodies wear the uniform, visit your parents then return a few hours later.

Their bodies need a break? Tour not making any sense…

They haven't been able to catch a day off, never mind a week in almost a year!

See you do need to recruit.

Like I said not lads like you. Their job takes years of training. But there is a way. Of course they would need to accept it too, but if you four are willing then I'm sure they can be persuaded.

Tell us what it is and I'm sure we can work something out.

Ok, hear me out. A temporary secondment. You'll live here on base. Let's say six months. All your needs, wants and desires will be fulfilled, you'll need to be keeping up with a strick diet and fitness regime. After six months your cut loose. There will be no contact with the outside world. Your “bodies” will be allowed one visit off base for two hours per week, wearing the uniform your parents want to see you in.

Our bodies only, not our minds?

Nope, just your bodies. My men will be inside your bodies, but connected to you so they will act like you do for that one hour, within the parameters of their army training. They will use your bodies as their own for this six month period, giving their bodies the much needed break they desperately need and deserve with you inside their bodies.

Oh that is a little weird.

Maybe but it's the only risk I am willing to take. I don't really want to do this but if your parents have demanded to see a man in uniform I can't see if another way.

Do we at least get to pick which Army body we will have?

Nope, I think it's only fair we let my men decide that. They are very regimental and will likely pick you alphabetically! They are far more manly and muscular than you are right now and in six months time your current bodies will if been conditioned to Army life, and your minds once returned to your own bodies will probably suitable for full joining. Who knows we will see!

What if we don't accept?

Then your parents will probably kick you out. No skin off my nose of you don't accept!

Can we at least see who's bodies we are going to be looking after?


Ok they aren't that bad.

How will it all work?

Well, all 8 of you take a pill, wait 5 minutes then shake hands with the one tour swapping with. It's that simple. Only don't be shaking hands with each other, you will swap with whoever you touch next. In fact we should probably keep you in separate rooms!

Okay, fine. We will do it.

The commodore led each of us to separate rooms tossed us each a pill and told us to wait. In the pic I am the one far left in black sneakers. I'm a little bit cheeky as you can see. I got myself wondering if when we swap back there could be a few mistakes made and I end up with one of my mates bodies, that would be awesome. I would love to my my mate and finally pull off red sneakers, have a bigger dick, be even skinnier and have a bigger dick. In fact this whole procedure is awesome I've always wanted to swap bodies with people and the army seems to have developed a way.

Moments later a very strong tall Army man walked into the room. “Fuck” he said. I've gotta be a chav for six months?

Looks that way! And I need to be a hard-as-nails Army boy! Your huge dude!

Thanks. All of your mates this chavvy?

Pretty much!

Fine, he reached his hand out towards me and I grabbed it and shook it. Almost immediately I began to notice changes. Very subtly at first, itching on my chest face and arms as hairs grew and tattoos developed. I was also growing in every way imaginable. I looked over at the man who had entered the room. He was considerably smaller and looked a hell of a lot like me.

My chavvy clothes tore as they could no longer hold the size of my changing body. Muscles appeared in places where I didn't even know muscles existed. Fuck, your the hairy one.

I guess so, at least I am hairier than the others. Or rather I was, your the hairy one now and I'm the skinniest one, with no hairs. And my uniform is far too big for me now. And I'm getting some of your memories too. Just body statistics and stuff, but your into this body swapping stuff?

Yeah I said whilst feeling my new face go red.

Its cool dude, just don't be getting any ideas about keeping my body.

Oh I've no interest in your body. It's the actual swap im into! So if you know of a way of “accidentially” swapping me into one of the others when we swap back, then I'll be glad to hear it.

Cool. Didn't they tell you? You cant go back to your original body, neither can we. We all swap back but not to where we came from.




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