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This is a story completely different to my usual concept. Please let me know what you think, good and bad. Thanks

Why boys, just why? Some kind of fetish?

No its a private matter!

So leave it private then, don't show things like that in public.

It's not exactly public, we are in his garden. And your here as a friend, who we thought would be understanding.

Yeah I know, you invited me here, so please tell me what's going on. He's wearing a dog collar and you've got him on a lead!

You'll see soon enough, but we should probably tell you whilst we are waiting so you aren't freaked out by it. We have to do this roughly once a month, everytime there is a full moon.

Oh wait, your having me on, your going to tell me he becomes a warewolf.

No he doesn't become a warewolf, he becomes a dog. It lasts for a whole 24 hours, then something even weirder happens. Which is why he only trusts me with this curse.

And now me!

Yeah about that… The other thing that happens is when he turns human again he turns into his master, then I turn into him automatically. Next month I become the dog and return to my own body.

Oh, how does that work for you?

I've had enough if I'm honest and wondered if you would share the burden with me?

Sure the Burden? How?

By being his master for the next 24 hours or if you need time to think about it or watch it happen this time. Each of us could take it in turns being the dog and each other, but it means we can keep a body for two months instead of one. You don't really need to do anything while your his master. Just feed him, take him on a few walks, and once you have his body he usually needs a shower and sometimes a shave, some of the dog fur tends to stay! Oh and be holding his lead exactly 24 hours after the change began. Otherwise he will be trapped as a dog for an entire month.

It's definitely something I would consider. But I do want to see it happen this time, if that's ok with you.

Sure it's fine honest. Your just in time anyway. When he gets down like this on all fours, it means his mind has already turned into the dogs, his mind always goes first, his facial hair has appeared on his face too.

Shit, yer he was clean shaven a moment ago. Why is his mind the first to change?

His mind goes first so that his human mind doesn't experience actually being or becoming a dog.

Fuck, he's got a snout now, and a tail. And 8 nipples, wow its actually real.

Yep. Gather his clothes up, we will need them tomorrow. He's all dog now.

No problem bro.

We both spent the next 24 hours looking after Benji, walking him, feeding him all kinds of dog things. Soon it had been an entire 24 hours and it was time to prepare for the next change.

Dude, I need his clothes. I need to be wearing them.


I'm about to become him, I have no choice in this. I have to be wearing the clothes he had on yesterday for it to work properly.


It's happening bro. Can you see me turning into him?

Yep and he's turning into a human again too. What a traumatic 24 hours for you both. Now I've seen it all work, I will gladly help you both out. Who becomes the dog next?

That would be me! It's always this body that becomes the dog, but I will be the dog until 24 hours later when I get my own body back. Only next time, hopefully I'll get your body and you'll get the dogs human body.

It was 29 days later when the next full moon was due. Once again I was invited to their place where it was me holding the lead as he was transformed into a dog. I made sure to gather his clothes up and keep them safe. After exatlly 24 hours I felt a little disgusted as I wore his clothes as my own.

Wearing his clothes was nothing as my body began to change right under the clothes, as for the dog, I was holding his lead be turned into me. All I could smell was dog, I needed to shower and shave a few rather hairy areas. That was the best shower I had ever experienced. Exploring my borrowed body.

I had 28 days to enjoy this before I was to be a dog. Enjoy it I did.

My mind was wiped, I felt that happen, an extreme headache. But then all I remember is dog. Before I was given a new body to explore after 24 hours. This body was going to be mine for two months. My new body was the dogs master in this photo.

Life is bliss right now I love the entire process, joining us? We are looking for a fourth…



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