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About an hour after this picture was taken the four lads were arrested for urinating on the bar they had been drinking in for the last six or seven hours and being overly drunk in public. They were ordered to pay for their crime in a very unique way. They were immortalised as bronze statues and positioned directly in front of the bar.

It had now been ten years and the statues were decaying. Part of the punishment meant that that could be released from their bronze statue persona after exactly ten years. There was just one way to make this happen.

Many had forgotten the order the judge made, some hadn't, a few had tried to release their curse and failed! It was said all they needed was to be kissed by a stranger any time after ten years. However there was a few clauses in the curse.

1. To release the curse, they needed to be kissed

2. They all needed to be kissed together

3. The statues would need to be refurbished by way of a replacement

4. It had to happen after at least ten years.

Well four men who at the time were already twenty years older than the four lads at the time of the offense had followed this topic very closely. Knowing the bronze statues were all in their low twenties at the time of the bronzing, if this worked they would instantly be given new twenty something year old bodies instead of their current almost 50 year old ones.

That night on the tenth anniversary of the four men's conviction they each looked at the photo published in the paper, they all agreed which statue they would kiss. I was the one who sent them to their doom as bronze statues and I was given first choice. I chose the one in the cream coloured top, the shortest who looked to have the biggest muscles. My three friends who also worked within the law selected their favourites too. As the bars closed at 2am we watched many walk by the statues, there was a couple of lads who walked by kissing the statues and we all gasped, realizing at any moment anyone could be given their bodies. But none were in a group of 4. As we watched staff lock up the bars, by 3am the town was deserted. It was now or never. We each walked to our agreed statue and kissed them on their lips.

Immediately we all felt cold, but weirdly the statues began to feel warm they stepped off their podium and automatically our bodies went and stood as their replacement. It was working. The statues came up behind us as they warmed some more, they began to look human again and then our minds were transferred into there former statues. Our bodies were taken over by the minds of the statues we had kissed.

Fuck we are young again and the four statues now fully restored in our previous bodies had at least another ten years to wait



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