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Fuck, I can’t be up here. I need to get down, I’ve just discovered I’m scared of heights.

You took a roofing job and your scared of heights, are you for real?

I didn’t know I was scared of heights before I came up here. You’ve gotta get me down.

Relax. I got you. Merge into me. We will get the roof done twice as fast, I’ll get us down and we can separate. And you’ll probably be over your fear of heights by the end of it too,

Merge with you? How. Can’t you just help me get down?

Look it’s your first day on the job you don’t want to let the boss down on your first day, and the boss wants this roof done by lunch time, so we ain’t got a choice, your going to have to merge with me. And how, it’s really easy, all I do it sit on you, your body will merge with mine. We will still look like me, just an improved version of me, with slightly bigger muscles and stuff. The only thing that won’t merge is our boots so you’ll need to take them off. Our feet won’t pass through the steel.

Fuck, why does merging sound so hot? Who controls your body when I’m in there?

It’s way better than hot. I’ve done it a few times and it’s horny as hell. Control, depends who’s mind is stronger, it’s usually mine but it could be you. But both of our minds are making us work twice as fast.

And how do I get out of you when we get down.

Simple, your sealed inside me until I cum. Once I’ve cummed you’ll be released and I’ll stand up and leave your body behind, and we just carry as two separate people form then on, as if nothing happened.

Awesome, go on then merge with me.

I was sat down on the scaffolding and I removed my boots, he came over and literally sat down on top of me. He emulated my position as closely as possible. He clasped my hands with his fingers between mine. Then the process began and I felt tingelly. His body began to sink forcing me inside him. I felt literally every aspect of my body connect with his. Every hair of mine was synced with his. It felt amazing. Then my dick grew and it pushed its way into his bum hole. I was close to cumming at that point but then it connected into his dick and the orgasm feeling faded only to be heightened once again with my dick connecting to his, but it was his memories I was feeling now, his dick that was ready to cum. His hands then merged with mine and my fingers connected into his.

I wiggled my toes a little and that made his boots begin to sink, my feet and toes travelled through the soles of his boots and connected inside his own feet, our legs were next then our upper bodies and arms. Now sat on the scaffolding, one body, his body toe heads. He spoke to me for the first time since this began.

Dude, it looks like your getting control this time because I can’t move. Use our hands, push our heads together.

I did exactly that. Then I had a huge rush of energy and we were fully merged. Todays job was supposed to take 5 hours we got it done together in less than 3. I wanted nothing more than to explore my new temporary body but we were working together inside one head and we both knew we needed to separate. Heading down to the van I did the deed and got us separated. I stood up as predicted. Only it was supposed to be him standing up and taking his body away from mine.

I turned around looked back into the van and I was still sat there, well at least my body was. He looked back towards me and screamed.

What the fuck, your me!!!

Yeah really am I? Shit so I am, and your me.

At first we laughed about it but then the realisation stepped in and we tried to swap back but for some reason our bodies wouldn’t merge again. Looks like we are stuck this way



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