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Connor, it’s way past curfew, time you sent her home and got yourself to bed, big day tomorrow.

Like fuck boss, I’m fucking her then maybe we will sleep. Tomorrow is in the bag! Chillax!

I’ll warn you, fuck her and there will be disaterrous consequences.

How can fucking a bird like this be disastrous?

Fuck her and you’ll find out.

I closed the door, knowing full well what was going to happen. Around fifteen minutes later my cell was already ringing. I answered and it was a woman talking.

Boss, you gotta come and help. He’s lay on top of me and I can’t move him.

Oh so the disaster happened..? Your in the girls body?

Looks that way, my dick is still in her, in me. It’s still cumming, pumping his stuff into me, but help, I can hardly breath.

When I got to his room, the girl on her back, still wearing the stockings, was waving her arms trying to get the jock Connor off her. Connor still wearing his socks was on top of her, a dead weight.

What the fuck Connor, I warned you about this, fuck her and there will be a disaster, and why the hell do you fuck with socks on?

Yeah I know you warned me, but I didn’t think this would happen. Get me back in my body.

I can’t, your her now.

What, i can’t be, I’m a jock.

Not any more, your her now. Best i can do is get you off her, but even that isn’t going to be what you want.

Right now anything is better than this, get me off me!

I did exactly as instructed and got about too getting him off her. I lay on his back. My cock immediately penetrated his ass.

What the fuck are you doing boss, I told you to get him off me, not make it worse and squash me even more.

Don’t worry Connor, it will be over soon. I can’t just take him off you. For a start you two are engaged in intercause. Pulling you off would rip your dick from your vagina, that will hurt. Plus your muscle mass makes you heavy. Only way for me to do this is enter your body and take control of it.

Was this your plan all along? Take my body?

Not at all. This whole thing is a damned inconvenience. I did warn you. I’m going to be stuck with your body. I’m going to have to resign and appoint you, Connor as the new ceo. Your going to be stuck with her body. Do you even know her name? Do you know your body is still cumming?

Nope I just know her handle is redstockings. Yes of course I know my real body is still cumming. And stuck with her, fuck I can’t be a woman, I’m a jock!

Well, thanks for the body, I’ll get off you now. It’s an amazing body, so thanks for that. Huge dick, amazing tats and muscle. The socks are a great move too, love how the white sets off my tan. Oh there is one way for you to leave her body and get back to being a jock, well, a man at least, but you’ve only got an hour to do it.


Your going to have to get another jock to sleep with her, with you. If you manage it within the hour, your mind will go into his body and you’ll both be him. You’ll both constantly fight for control, but control will only last two hours at a time. It’s a bit of a nightmare, but if you can’t cope being her it’s the only way. It’s past curfew so not many of the other jocks are going to be awake. So it’s up to you, stay as her or find someone else.

I’m finding someone else. I can’t stay as a woman.

Good luck and good night. I’m going to explore being Connor!

A few moments later i heard female screams and male grunts from the room next door. I knew Connor had struck gold and left the woman’s body. Now he and Kyle resided in the same body. At least he had a male body again.

Kyle came rushing back to me in my room. Kyle was gay and now he and Kyle wanted to sleep with me. I decided it was my duty to allow it.

No more girls for me…



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