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Well this was more than a bit weird and now all that remained of my former self was my bra!

It seemed as though all the lads were having more fun than the girls and I made a wish. Wishes never come true and even if they did a harmless one would never be taken so literally. What was my wish? I wished I was having as much fun as the lads.

At that very moment four of the lads were looking in my direction. Suddenly I got very cold and all four of them walked up towards me. I was no longer able to move. Two of them got down on their knees, as if they were proposing to me and grabbed my hands and the other two stood behind me and touched my boobs and bottom. In a romantic scene it would of been quite a picture, but this wasn’t romantic. This felt like an attack.

But that’s when the changes started to happen. The first thing I noticed was my throat. I felt it getting scratchy and a lump formed on my neck. An adams Apple, only boys have those, and only really tough, strong gened boys at that. Then I noticed my chest, it flattened, my boobs disappeared and became pecs. My stomach didn’t really change much but I felt the muscles growing inside. I was getting taller too, then my feet grew longer and wider. My hands and fingers grew next, followed my my arms and legs. Then I noticed the smell, no longer was I wearing perfume, I stank of boys armpits and expensive aftershave.

It was then I realised I was being transformed into a lad. I loved it. Then all of my clothes started to change, my pretty white heals, replaced with some sturdy black Nikes. My petit girly underwear was replaced with some black gabicci boxer shorts, my dress formed into a pair of shorts. Then the body changes continued and I grew a dick.

As I was clearly now just a boy I had mixed emotions. I was a bit upset that I was no longer a girl but also happy I was now a boy. Would I change back? Do I want too?

A text came through on my phone. I unlocked it with my new face, so facial ID worked with the new me. It said congratulations darling, I have granted your wish, you deserve to be happy and have as much fun as the boys. If you want to change back just reply to this text but make sure it’s within the next five days or it’s permanent. All your socials, ID pictures and birth certificate have been amended to the fact your a boy now. You are a completely new person, a mixture of what all four of these boys would look like if their dna had been merged. So you will have similarities with each of them. Enjoy!

We all posed for a selfie. I looked stupid in a bra but had no other top to wear. Hopefully one of the lads can lend me their jacket. I spent a while looking at the photo. It was the first time I had seen me. A tear came to my eye, a tear of joy. I had never been happier.



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