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You can fix my hand can’t you?

Sure bro, shouldn’t take too long, what is wrong with it?

Fractured wrist, broken finger and a deep cut on my palm. Back at the hospital tomorrow to set it all up properly.

Wow, bit of an ordeal, probably take me two or three days to heal all that.

So you can fix me right? Hospital said about six weeks and I’m on a ton of meds for the pain.

Sure thing. There’s just the matter of payment.

Payment??? Your ad said this wouldn’t cost me a penny.

And the ad was right, it won’t cost you any money, but I do charge. 3 days body repair, dealing with the pain and the minimum term of a week, so it will cost you ten days.

Ten days of what?

Ten days out of your body. I can only fix what I own. Technically I only need to own your hand and arm to fix it, but then the payment part of things wouldn’t work and it’s far easier to take your entire body for the ten days than just your arm and hand. It’s a lot better than the pain for six weeks.

That’s true, so… You take my body, become me, what happens to me? Who will I be?

Who or what, that’s up to you. I see your a fan of sneakers. You could become a pair of your own sneakers, spend ten days wrapped around your own feet. Or become your cum sock, or a part of your own body, such as your dick or your other hand. If you become a body part, I have absolutely no control over it, and it’s your choice not mine. So if you become your own dick, I can’t even take a piss or get a hard on unless you allow it. If you become your own sneakers or sock you don’t get much control, some lads like it, but as you can’t control anything or see anything, everything else, feel and smell wise is extremely heightened. Lads who become parts or objects don’t always recover too well and often find them selves wanting to be turned back into what they were. This swap is quite easy, I simply touch you, takeover your body and you merge with whatever you chose.

Okay, what’s the other option?

The other option is a direct body swap with me. This is my preferred option because when someone is me, it makes my life so much easier. However, you probably won’t like it because we need to have sex with each other. Once we have our bodies literally transform into each others.

Okay, well sex is fine with me, don’t really mean anything to me! and could I change my mind part way through? I won’t be becoming a cum sock! And how do I swap back?

Absolutely, you can change your mind, but only if you become me, otherwise, if your a pair of sneakers or your dick, how would you tell me you wanted to try something different. If you change your mind, it will cost you an extra day, If that’s your plan you’ll need to be me first and tell me when you fancy a change. Changing from a body part is automatic, precisely timed to the ten or eleven days later. Swapping back from my body is sexual again. And if you do try to force your swap back from being me before the end by having sex with me without prior agreement, you will succeed! You will get your body back but only for about an hour then we will swap back again and you’ll be fined a further ten days.

Fuck me! So many options and rules.

Yeah, I know. Sorry about that, I’ve been screwed over before and I’ve had to make the rules. But, fuck you? If you insist… 😃😃

Mate, I've been hard this whole time. It ain't gonna take me long to cum you know.

It can take you five seconds or five hours, it doesn't matter, I'll likely be just as quick as you.

Then he pulled down his trousers and revealed his dick including his finger pubes. Fucking hell, it was huge. He proceeded to bend me over and began to fuck me. He was right it didn't take him too long, probably about 3 minutes. My body instantly accepted his cum and I began to transform into him. I only had about ten minutes to deliver my cum to him.

As I pushed my dick into him, I felt it expand. I knew it had turned into his. I was now ducking him with a copy of his own dick.

Fuck me man, your cum has some strong stuff in it. My dick has just turned into yours, my balls won't be far behind, most of me is you now. I don't have long.

As soon as I said it, my cum erupted from my balls and through my new dick, his dick and into him. His body changed a lot quicker than mine as it caught up. As my orgasm was ending, I felt my balls fill up again and I knew I had just been given his balls. I didn't know if I should but I couldn't stop it now even if I wanted too. The transformation had been so quick, I cummed again only this time I was fully him and he was fully me.

Fuck, wow, I

didn't think this would work you've got my hand and the pain to go with it. I thought you just wanted sex with me. That was one horny experience.

I've got all of your body not just your hand, and you've got mine.


, I know.

I've made up my mind, I think this is gonna cost me 2 more days. I want six days with your body, then 3 as my sneakers, then my last 3 as my dick.

I knew you'd want to do something like that. I'll do it for one extra day if we can have some more sex like that, temporarily swap.

We can have as much sex as you like, and I'm time with it costing two days. In fact, I reckon I'll be injuring some more body parts and using your services again.

Really? I'd be up for that, just don't worry about the injuries, I'll happily swap with you without

fixing you.



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