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What the hell is this? Why am I dressed like this? Why do I sound different?

Well i got you a new car for Christmas, you sat in it and you made a wish.

Yeah, I wished I had a body to match the cars body.

And I think your wish has been completed successfully!

You think changing my clothes putting me in some scally tracksuit and cheap fake leather jacket, making me wear gloves and some Nike trainers gives me a body to match the car?

Well I didn’t make the wish happen, the car did it’s an optional feature. It makes you look like anyone you desire. Clearly you desire being a cheeky scally. It’s changed more that your clothes it’s changed your body, your entire body I believe. It’s probably the body and clothes of the last scally lad you looked at on your socials!

It’s changed who I am?

No you are still you, at least in your mind, just you’ve got the body of who you most desire.

I desire to be me!

I don’t think that’s possible, the manual doesn’t mention reverting changes or changing back. Besides who would want your 40 year old body when you can have a newer or different model every time you get in the car.

So im gonna change every time I drive.

Not if you don’t want too, but the default setting is to change into whoever your thinking about every time you turn the key.

Well, I love scallops, I’d love to date one, I’d even if agreed to being one for a while but I don’t think I’d of agreed to this. Becoming one without my choice. Im definitely not staying as this guy.

Come on, at least try him out first. We can see what you look like under the tracksuit.

I don’t think so, not this time. Maybe in the future I’ll become him again. But I want to be some one a bit bigger, a bit more mature.

Ok, show me!

How about this?

He’s cute. Seen him in quite a few porno sites. He doesn’t tickle my fancy though. A bit too hairy for me.

Okay i agree. What about this guy?

Yeah he’s a good one a bit scally but a bit muscley too.

I’m not so sure I think a want full on scally for my first one

Fuck, he’s perfect.

Yeah I know



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