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Oh, I see you’ve decided to transform into me without my permission.

Yeah, I’m not fully you yet, I can change back if you want me too. I didn’t think I needed to ask, you don’t normally mind. I thought you liked it when I did all the stuff you don’t like doing.

Well, that was before I found out how powerful this body transformation actually was.


Yeah, I didn’t realise I could change too and I didn’t realise I had so much control over you.

Yup, when I’m you, your body gets my powers.

I know, I discovered it last time we did this, I had a burning desire to go shopping for a new pair of trainers. I was looking at the ones I wanted, then clicked on “click & collect”. I started to move but then I had absolutely no power. I literally couldn’t move.

Shit, I didn’t know. What did you become?

Yeah, I could still hear, see and smell but I couldn’t move. I became the trainers I had just clicked on.

Wow, that’s mad. How did you turn back?

I didn’t, not for a while. You came back and wore me for a while. I don’t think you even realised. I only turned back when you took me off and got your own body back. Remember when I was randomly in your house, that’s when it was..

I didn’t realise. Sorry about that.

It’s fine. But this time it’s going to be different!

Oh really. Oh shit your changing me aren’t you? I can feel it, who are you making me become?

Yeah I’m changing you. But your already who I want you to be, your already me. Your shrinking…

Shit I am. How small are you making me?

Oh I don’t know. Really small, But if you want to do this again, as in become me your going to have to endure something for an entire week. For the next week your living under my foot inside my trainers.

I don’t want to do that, it’s gonna stink in there.

You are mate and there’s nothing you can do about it your just over an inch tall now and you’ll fit perfectly inside my trainer. Don’t worry these are new, they are the ones I bought last week. They are fresh, but I’m sure they won’t be in a week. Your going to stay in there and massage and scratch my foot whenever I want you too. Then next week I’ll make you big again. I’ll let you be me for an entire two weeks

There can’t be two of you for a whole two weeks.

Don’t worry there won’t be! I’ll be you for a week then I’ll spend a week exactly as you are now, inside my trainer. Now bee a good slave and get inside

Oh yes master



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