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Really, you can’t come on a date because you’ve “lost” one of your shoes?

Yes that’s right. I think someone stole it and my sock from the gym.

Why would anyone steal your shoe and sock? Why just one? Did they leave you theirs? And don’t you have another pair you can use to come on a date with me? You must own more than 1 pair of shoes.

No idea it’s just weird they didn’t leave me theirs either. Wouldn’t want to wear someone else’s anyway, especially not some random era from the gym. And yes of course I own more than 1 pair of shoes, but these are my favourites and best pair, all my others are trashed and I wouldn’t want to appear trashy on our first date.

Don’t need to dress up for me, I’m coming like this. With my cap backwards and all. I’ll make more effort in future if your worth it. Look bro, if it helps I can bring you a pair of my fairly decent ones. Your feet look pretty clean you can borrow them for our date. Keep em if you want something to remember me by!

You’d do that for me? Already? Awesome. What size are you?

Yeah I’d do it, you look pretty hot and clearly others agree with me since they are stealing your shoes. Size 9 bro. You?

9 too, yeah I’ll borrow some off you if you don’t mind? Bring some socks too. May as well complete my look with your socks too.

If you insist! Probably better to wear my socks inside my shoes anyway. I’ll pick you up at 7, from the gym, since your shoeless!

Here you go.

Thanks babe.

Babe already is it?

Yeah well I assumed since we are already borrowing each other’s clothes that you wouldn’t mind. I’ll stop if you want.

No it’s fine, I like it and my shoes suit you.

You reckon.. ? They are nice and warm, have you just taken them off?

No, I’ve not worn them in about two weeks, since I last went to the gym.

Oh well, your getting me all hot and flustered then. Mind if I open the window?


As I reached across he touched my leg and reached up and tickled my dick. He pulled over, moved his other hand to my nipples, kissed me then started driving like nothing had ever happened.

What did ya do that for.?

Just teasing ya, you’ll get more later if your a good boy.

I reached over and opened the window some more. It was then I saw my reflection in the side mirror. I looked different. Babe, somehow I look different, and I feel poorly and I’m really hot.

You do look different. You came out of the gym shirtless, now your wearing a top, my top to be precise, the one I wore the last time I wore those shoes. And your wearing a cap, my cap. Wtf is going on..?

I’ve no idea. You need to stop I think I’m gonna be sick.

As he did I jumped out. It was then I felt absolutely fine, but I had definitely changed into him. I was my newly acquired boyfriend’s identical twin and when he got out to console me, he saw it too and confirmed I looked exactly like he did 2 weeks ago when he last wore these shoes at the gym.

What are we gonna do I asked.

For a start, get back in the car and take them shoes off, maybe you’ll become yourself again.

It didn’t work, I was still him. His next suggestion was that I went home and put on a pair of my own shoes. Hopefully they will revert the changes. When we got to my place, my mum didn’t recognise me and I couldn’t get in as my key was in my trousers and they had transformed into his trousers. We made up a story and told my mum that kaleb had asked us to get something from his room, thankfully she let us in. We grabbed a set of my older trainers and a spare set of clothes. We told my mum that he needed a change of clothes as someone had stolen his from the gym. It was partly true. We headed back to the car and I put on my own shoes as well as the rest of my clothes. I wasn’t feeling any of the changes this time, I didn’t feel hot or sick and i definitely wasn’t changing. We waited a good half hour but nothing changed I was stuck as his twin.

Then he randomly asked me; you don’t think I’ll need to become you, do you? I mean there can’t be two of me, that would be too weird.

That’s preposterous, I’ll change back I’m sure of it.

Well, unless you know of another way I don’t think it’s happening any time soon.

Perhaps your right. Plus I’m starting to forget who I am supposed to be. Currently I have different memories, I’m guessing they are yours. I remember nothing about my old body, but I know all your body stats. Fuck, if your willing, I think your going to have to be me.

Don’t got a lot of choice do I? Our first date and we’re switching bodies, it’s a good job I like you. And your pretty fit. We are going to have to try and swap back later, but for now I think this is the only way. Now strip.!

I took off all of my clothes and handed them to him. He gave me his. I put his on. It made more sense to wear his current clothes than ones that were two weeks old and probably dirty. He didn’t bother with any of my clothes, just my shoes and socks, he figured he would transform into me and get my clothes exactly how I was when I last wore theepse shoes, weirdly, that was also about two weeks ago when I last went to the gym.

His changes began almost instantly and i recognised parts of his body as that which used to be mine. Oh god, I was missing my own body already, but at least we had already agreed to go in more dates and I’d get to see it most days.

As expected, he transformed into me, including my clothes that I was wearing two weeks ago at the gym, I was once again shirtless, and now he was too.

Fuck this is weird and hot at the same time. You smell and feel so different to me. Correction, I smell so different to what I’m used too. I’m fucking horny.

Yeah, wanna try out our new bodies?

Yeah, let’s drive somewhere. You’ll have to take over, you, well I haven’t passed my test yet.

We kissed and fucked for what felt like hours, it was so hot being swappped like this.



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