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Hey bro, glad I caught up with you.

Hey man, what's up?

Look, I don't really know how to put this, but I know you've been using my body and I want it to stop. I don't know how or why you've been doing it, but I don't want you to do it anymore.

Woah, you can't throw accusations around like that without evidence.

I've got the evidence, I had a drone follow my body around for a week. It showed you touching me, then my body walking off, and for that week I have absolutely no memories of the things the drone saw me doing.

Okay, fine you got me. How did you first realise?

I'm sure you remember the injury, the huge bruise I had on my arm for weeks, I didn't remember getting that, then there's the “walk” I always have when I forget the memories, the walk making it look like I've shit myself. I'm guessing you used my body in some gay bars.

Nothing that vein. Look I'm sorry, I should have been more careful. It was all classy stuff that ended in, well...

Sex. You used my body for sex. Look, it's time dude, no harm done. I just don't want it to happen again.

Fine bro. But you know there is a way to stop it from happening any more. Besides haven't you ever fantasised about being someone else?

Stop it great, tell me how, I've never wanted to be anyone else, happy being me.

Well, to stop it you would have to be someone else, specifically me, or someone like me. You see, right now I'm can become you just by touching you. Anyone like me can become anyone else just by touching them. You would never know you had been swapped, unless your really clever and worked it out. To block the touch you need to become a body swapper and for that you need to give up your body and life and give it to me. When your a swapper you can turn the touch off, so when someone touches you, you don't swap.

Ok cool.

Imagine the scenario. Your at the mc donanlds drive through a cute guy is handing you your burger and you touch him, your old body drives off and your left to explore his body and takeover his life. Admittedly your now at work instead of eating a burger but now you've got access to all the other lads coming through the drive through and if you like one of them become him just by touching him. And if no one comes along and you don't want to be at work any more tough the guy who is about to clock off. All the friends they have got you can become any of them.

Ok, you’ve struck some kind of chord with me! Can we try it see if I’m ok with it first? What happens if I know your going to touch me and how do I become a body swapper?

Of course we can try it and since you know I’m going to do it then you’ll know we have swapped, that’s all. And to become a swapper, you have to swap into my body. This will become your new real body and will be the body you return too, to make that happen I’ve got to give your body the genes. To get the genes we need to fuck each other.

Cool well let’s try it first.

I held out my hand and touched his tattooed arm. Instantly my mind was transferred into his body which sent his mind into my body.

Woah, this is weird I can see me as if I’m looking in a mirror

Only your not looking at a mirror. Your looking at the real you through my eyes.

Sex with a boy. Sounds fun I guess . I ain’t gay though!

Don’t need to be gay do you?

I guess not.

So how does it feel, being me, looking at your former self, confertable with it? With being me and with me being you?

I won’t lie, it’s weird seeing my body move around and talk, but having your body seems ok. I guess one body is just like another.

You’d be surprised. Your real dick is 2 inches longer than the one you have now and the boys love it.

Two inches still makes this one 8 inches and to be fair the girls can’t take the whole ten. Seems like we’re onto a winner!

So want to meet up later and we can swap properly?

Sure, after work?

Yeah sure. Want to swap back for now or stay like this?

I think I’ll stay in your body for a while make sure I’m happy with it before I fully decide. I mean in 95% sure I just want to make sure.

No worries mate, that’s fine but we are going to have to do one thing before we carry on our day. Your going to need to behave like me, for that we need to link our minds.

Okay, I didn’t think about that how do we do that?

We just need to kiss each other, just a small kiss nothing major.

Cool, always wanted to know what it would be like to kiss myself.

A few hours later we met up, we swapped back and he agreed he wanted to become a body swapper. We fucked right there and then In my car. Now we both have the genes and now he’s in my body they will activate for him in a week. Right now though I’m happy to be Michael!

And he’s happy being gavin



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