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The coach had banned all forms of electronic communication from the grounds, but some still flaunted the rules and brought their phones into the locker room. When he discovered two of our friends, our teammates had done so he wasted no time punishing them. Off the team, he shouted, two week suspension. It meant the two of them were about to be punished and be enslaved by two other team mates.

Ruben and I (jack) knew exactly what that meant. And we always prepared for such an eventually by being the only ones not wearing our boots when he coach walked in. It happened to someone most weeks to be fair. Ruben and I had an unusual fetish. We loved soccer boots. We would fuck them with our dicks, lick them with our tongues even talk to them. We had even worn each others boots and sometimes it caused us to swap bodies with each other. I loved being ruben but he hated being me.

The reason we were always making sure we weren't wearing our boots when coach came in was because the punishment was to spend two weeks as a pair of soccer boots. That pair of soccer boots would attach themselves to the first pair of feet that had removed their boots for the longest, that was always Ruben and I. We loved wearing other lads as our boots.

This week we knew who was going to get the punishment, and so we agreed that we would pass on the punishment and become the boots for the two weeks. It was going to be hell but it was something we both wanted.

Our teammates walked in and coach issued the punishment, they were instantly cinsigned to become our boots. Ruben and I picked up the boots and chatted with them, we shook hands. As we did we were transferred from our bodies and into our own boots, Nick and harry became us, they didn't bat an eye lid and just enjoyed the fact they were not trapped as pairs of boots.

We spent two weeks being worn by our bodies being kicked around all the time, it was pure bliss and hell at the same time. The next part we hadn't planned for, we had assumed we would just take our bodies back at the end of the 2 weeks, how wrong were we...

Instead as the coach released us from being pairs of boots we were given human form again. Only now we were not ruben and jack, instead I was nick and Ruben was harry. I lobed it, especially since I now had a sleeve of tattoos. We were older now and today was our last game, tomorrow we were transferred to a bigger international team. Ruben, now harry pleaded with the coach to put us back in our own bodies and he said he couldn't as the system can't be messed with, we were trapped as nick and harry.



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