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Guys, your early.

Yeah we weren’t sure where we needed to be. Is it a problem?

No it’s a good thing your early. Means we can sort the paper work out.

Yeah, we’ll I’m only really here for moral support. It’s him that’s going to be doing the body swapping today.

Ah okay. Actually, looking at your body profiles, it’s going to be difficult to use him.

Oh, why?

He has a belly button that sticks out.

And that’s a problem?

Yes. There’s two ways for our clients to get inside their hosts. One is easy and painless. The other hurts like your a man having a baby in reverse and to be honest it’s a bit disgusting, especially when our clients leave their host bodies.

Okay. Tell us more…

Well the disgusting way is through your anus. Going in it tough and painful, coming out, clients can literally get covered and smell of, well, shit. With your friend having an outy, a lot of clients won’t accept him as they don’t want to experience that. The outy blocks the easier way in. The painless way in and the pleasurable way out.

Pleasurable way out?

Yeah, to get out, when the client is ready he puts a finger in your belly button and has a wank, he’s ejected via your dick, it’s an amazing orgasm for you both and since he comes out of your dick he won’t stink of shit.

Oh I like the sound of this. I’ll go for it. Actually, I wouldn’t mind going inside my friend here, even with the rear entry.

Well we can look at adding you to our client list, it’s expensive to take on someone else’s body, but I’ll let you in on a secret.


The stuff we use to allow someone to take your body, it stays in your system for a month after your host leaves, so you’ll be able to take his body for a month after your host leaves, if he lets you.

I might, but I’m not sure I’m up for the pain of you coming out of me.

Mate, I’ll lube up your bum hole before I come out. I’ll get you fucked by a few guys. You won’t feel a thing. Besides you’ll be getting someone coming out before me, I’m sure your hole will be widened enough for me.

Your taller than me, will you even fit? And I know your gay, but I’m straight I’d rather you didn’t get me fucked!

Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. What better way to experience being gay, than with a gay man inside you.

Relax, it’s actually easier on you when your host is bigger than you. And it usually has a bit of a side effect. Anything inside you that’s bigger becomes bigger on you. For example, if a 9 inch dick goes inside a 5 inch dick then the host dick gets bigger and usually stays bigger.

That’s cool. So when we have people inside us?

You stay inside and your just there for the ride. You see everything, feel everything you just can’t control your own body.


Callum, your in luck we’ve found someone willing to go inside you in the alternative way. And we have any number of potential swappers for you George.

Cool so do I get to pick who goes inside me?

No, we’ve notified the users, who ever gets here first will be your user.

Callum your user is here.

No way, I’m not letting him inside me. He looks like pot smoking crack head. What if he gets my body tattooed? He clearly doesn’t give a fuck, even his ink says so. I don’t want him using my body.

Callum, there isn’t much other choice. The fact he “doesn’t give a fuck” means he is willing to use your anus to get in and out of you. He physically can’t get your body tattooed. If he tried you would instantly be able to take back control of your body. In fact anything you don’t like, you can prevent by taking back control. There’s no risk. And your payment is very substantial. Enough for you to live very comfortably for at least 5 years. Buy a house, a car anything you like and if you run out, engage in another swap. Most of our hosts spend a few years doing this then retire.

Ok fine.

George your user is here too

Oh my god, look at him. He’s got an outy too, and his dick is huge, that’s definitely going to make mine bigger. Why does someone like him want to go inside me?

He loves the “being part of someone else” he would love someone to go into him but since he has an outy he won’t allow the pain.

Oh I’d help him if he wants, I’d make sure it doesn’t hurt when I came out of him.

Talk to him when he leaves your body. You never know he might let you. Have 2 weeks in Callum’s body, two weeks in his.

Oh, I can’t wait for this.

Mate, you’ve definitely got the better user. Uuurrrggghh, I can’t believe I’m going to let him inside me. I can already feel his shaven chest prickling me from inside and his filth!

Just don’t think about it, let it all happen.

Moments later both our users had arrived in the room, they knew exactly what they were doing and both stood behind us.

Callum’s user was first as his users prickly shaven chest and stomach pressed against his back. He began to twitch and itch. His user reached around and held his hands tightly , then Callum squirmed as his users dick penetrated his anus. That was the beginning of the end for Callum, Callum fell unconscious and his user began to get sucked in through his anus. Every single inch of his user pressed and pushed through him. He didn’t compress or get squashed, his huge body went through him. Soon it disappeared and Callum regained consciousness again, only this time with his user in control.

Next, my user began to posses me. He did things slightly different. First, his dick penetrated my bum. I was used to it so it didn’t hurt and I didn’t loose consciousness, then he reached his hands around and laid them on my stomach. Then I felt his two middle fingers penetrate my belly button, then he began to enter my body through my belly button. The whole experience was completely thrilling and I enjoyed every second of it. Then my body went onto auto pilot. I was walked over to Callum’s body were my user gave him the hottest kiss ever.

A few days, maybe a week later our users were done with our bodies, my user pushed a finger into my belly button then stroked my dick. He made my dick cum only it wasn’t cum being pumped out, it was his body. Connor had started a similar experience of his user leaving his body only he was being pushed out through his anus, it was clearly hurting like hell and he was screaming. The second his user was out I didn’t waste anytime going inside my friend. I didn’t want to let him give any excuses.

I was in, I was Callum. I knew I could stay for a month but I wanted to experience my users body too. His name was James. James gave me his number and we agreed he would let me use him in a weeks time,he was impressed with how I stole Callum’s body and wanted to let me do it to him. He didn’t care about the possible pain. I couldn’t wait to feel that huge dick as my own, but for now I had to experience connors body.



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