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Justin, we hear you, you're taking a break because of your illness, but we wanted to d to let you know there are people out there who want to help, people who can fix the illness your body has.

That's cool, I'll pay them to fix me.

Well, the thing is fans love you, they miss you. Everyone loves you, they miss seeing your body on the stage.

I completely get that.

Some say though, that although your tattoos are wonderful, your body is ruined by them.

That sucks not like I can remove them, they are a part of me now. Anyway enough about my tattoos, who can fix me?

That's just it. The company who can fix your body can only do so if they have possession of your body.

Yeah that's fine, I'll sign myself over to them to fix me.

You'd be giving up your body. You'd have to be given one of their bodies. You'd still be Justin Bieber but you'd have a completely different look. They can only fix your body if they own your body as someone there uses it as their own.

Oh, but if be able to perform again, please my fans, make music again?


I'll don't then. Where do I need to go and when?

You'd be given a body without any tattoos and you wouldn't be allowed to get any. You'd keep this other body for three years, then if you want you can get your real body back.

Okay, can I pick who I will be.

I'm afraid not.

Can I see this body?

He looks ok, but he doesn't look like he can cure my illness, is he a doctor or scientist?

No, but he works for the company that does.

Can't I just work for this company instead of swapping with him?

I'm afraid not, whatever it is that they do only works if a body has been swapped. Besides, he is ready and willing to take on your tattooed body, with its illness.

Can he even sing?

With your mind in his body, he will be able to sing. He's Canadian too so already has your accent. Everyone will recognise him as Justin Bieber once you've swapped.

I'm gonna be ok to change him a bit aren't I?

Yes, treat it as your own body, grow his hair, anything you want, just don't get any tattoos. It's your body for now, but it will be his again in three years. Oh, mice just read the notes. You can get some ink, providing he approves it first but nothing related to you.

What about my stuff, my house, my cars, my clothes, my sneaker collection? Fuck will my clothes even fit his body?

Most things will stay the same. Your clothes and your sneaker collection will change though. You'll only have what he has, but you can buy new, your are wealthy enough. He gets all your clothes and sneakers. They wouldn't be any use to you while your swapped.

Ok cool. Well, let's do this thing then.

We knew you'd accept, it's already happening digitally. His body is being downloaded onto you already and yours onto him. Enjoy.



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