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I bet it’s fun being like you, you know not a care in the world, still living with mum and dad.

It’s not you know mate, I’m stereotyped as a scally. I’d love to move out of my parents house and get a job, never mnpind keep one.I may look like a scally, but I don’t act like one.

Yeah but you don’t even need to buy razors to shave and living under your parents roof, you can’t need much.

Your right, I don’t need much, but I want more. I’m 25 and I don’t need to shave. It’s like my body hasn’t hit full puberty yet. Where as you clearly have and your only 21.and from your online photos, you enjoy a lavish life style. With boots, suits and a trainer collection. I’ve gotta wait till Christmas for anything nice or new. Nah, it’s tough being me, far easier being you.

I can only dream to be like you I suppose.

Nah, you don’t need to dream. I can make it happen.

What you can make me like you? A proper scally who doesn’t need to shave.

I can do more than make you like me, I can make you be exactly like me. I can put you inside my body and me inside yours. I’ve done it with a few lads before, but they can’t handle it for too long and I end up having to put our minds back in the right place.

Oh mate, that’s making me horny as hell. I’ve always been into body swapping stuff, read loads of stories, didn’t realise it was actually possible. The idea of falling asleep in my own bed, my own body and then waking up he next day as someone else has always fascinated me.

I’ve had a few lads say that to me. And I can’t do it while your asleep, but I can swap our bodies, if you want but im not going to do it unless you really want it. You’ll be stuck as me, sure you’ll get my ability to transfer your mind into someone else’s body, but they will always be able to reject the swap and return, and it’s tough being me. That’s why so many have rejected me in the past. you would be my 100th swap. And if you chose to reject me I won’t be able to do it again. Plus, if you stay as me for more than a week, I then gain the ability to transfer my mind to someone else. If that happens you won’t be able to take your own body back.

Mate, i have been dreaming about a moment like this for many years. I can’t see why I would reject you and if you want to move on from being me, I wouldn’t mind not being able to return.

Well, if your sure. This is my last attempt.

Mate, I’d make sure this can continue. Even if I hate being you, I’ll find 100 other people to swap with. This is my absolute dream. I would even sign a contract if you wanted or needed me too.

Thanks for the offer, but any such contract becomes void after a swap, it’s easy to claim the contract is faked since body swapping shouldn’t be possible and if it was, it could be deemed the swapped person forged the contract. Also, are you sure you don’t want to see what I look like or know anything about me before we finally agree to this?

Nah, your taking the same risk as me, you don’t know what I’m like either, it’s all part of the fun. Just one question though.


How do we swap?

Ha, it’s really easy. We stand side by side, arms length apart and I place my two fingers on your temples. As my fingers touch you, my mind and soul are removed from my body, it will wait at my finger tips. I’ll go completley lifeless. At that point you’ll need to support my arm and keep my fingers on your head with your arm by placing it underneath mine. You’ll then touch my temples with your fingers, as soon as you do, you’ll be lifeless too. My mind and soul will transfer into you and yours will be at your finger tips. I’ll take control of your body and make sure your fingers are touching my former head and once they are you’ll be zapped into my body.

So there’s no sexual stuff, no wearing each other’s clothes? It’s as simple as touching each other’s temples?

Yes mate, simple as that. I mean we can have sex or swap clothes beforehand if you want, but it’s not needed. Those stories are just fascination, this is a real body swap.

Nah mate. We don’t need the sex beforehand. Although I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be fucked by myself, so maybe afterwards?

Maybe, see how each of us feel once we are in our new bodies. You want to do this? Are you ready now?

Sure am, I was born ready.

Well stand next to me, arms length apart.

Seconds later I felt the tips of his fingers touch my temple, I watched as his skin faded a little and his head dipped. He had done this enough times already and his arm stayed solid and fingers stayed touching my temple. I felt his fingers warming up and I knew it was time for me to touch his temples. As soon as I did I felt my mind and soul detach from my body, I felt it travel down my arm and wait at my finger tips. I wasn’t used to the position and I felt my arm drop. Then I felt it being lifted and it was clear that he was now in control of my body. My fingers brushed against his beautiful smooth cheek I felt them connect with his temple.

There was a moment of madness as I felt a rush leaving my own body and entering his. I was instantly in control of him. I looked down and saw I was wearing his clothes. The white jacket, his jewellery and his watch. I also now had a tattoo on my hand. It was an amazing feeling being him.

So dale, that’s your name now by the way, how do you like being me?

Oh, it feels amazing.



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