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Connor, you’ll be pleased to know we have looked into your complaints and we have agreed with your decision. The managers are wrong to try to discipline you twice for the same mistake. We do however recommend some further training.

No way hosay! I’m still recovering from the last bout of training and that was over 12 months ago. I’d sooner be sacked than go through that again.

I’m sorry, did you have a bad experience with your trainer?

Yeah, I had the old bloke, you know the one who always took the younger guys for training. I swear he did stuff with my body that shouldn’t be humanly possible. I know he took my body round the gay bars. I know he got me fisted. To this day I’m convinced he had guys dripping foot sweat into my mouth, I can still taste it to this day.

I’m sorry to hear that Connor, I wasn’t aware you were one of the ones who had enjoured that. We nearly lost the training contract because of that particular horror. Although, since your talking quite freely about it I’m guessing you didn’t get the severance package, especially the do not disclose part of the deal.

Nope I didn’t get a thing.

Ok well I can tell you that things have changed now. We have a select few offering the training package. They are all fit, healthy young individuals and all must live your life exactly as you would. All are throughly vetted and checked upon daily whilst caring for someone else’s body. So if you can agree to this batch of training I’ll look into sorting your do not disclose paper work and of course the severance package.

What was the severance package?

It was a one off payment/ compensation of 50 thousand and access to a permanent body swap if you so wished, all would be revoked if it was discussed.

Well, I promise I’ve never heard of the none disclosure or the compensation.

Not to worry, it will be sorted by the time you have completed your re training. And whilst your training, if you like, you can browse the body swap selection, see if there is anyone you like the look of and can see your self being.

Okay, cool. Who am I going to be for the training?

He looks a bit, well haggard. Are you sure he’s a similar age to me?

He’s on his day off in that picture, I can assure you he looks pretty awesome when he dresses up. He has just done three full weeks training new guys. That takes its toll on any trainer and trainees have a habit of abusing the trainers body.

Fine. Dial me into him

Thanks Connor, you won’t be disappointed

While your at it, I’ve chosen my severance body.



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