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Babe, why are you always wearing socks? We’ve been together for almost six months and I don’t think I’ve ever seen your feet. And I swear they are the same socks you wear every day. Look how worn they are.

They are the same ones, and I’ve probably worn them for longer than six months.

Why though? Come on take them off.

Honestly, the socks are for your protection. They stay on.

Why though babe? You got stinky feet!?

It’s not that at all.

So what is it then?

Weird stuff happens to people when they touch my feet with theirs.

Like what?

Well, I’m only going to tell you if you don’t leave me for it.

I’d never leave you babe, I love you too much.

Okay, well. These socks, they are my last boyfriend. If someone touches my feet with theirs they turn into their weirdest wildest fantasies. They only change back when someone else touches my feet.

So you’ve kept your former boyfriend close to you. As close as you possibly could throughout our relationship? What happens when he turns back, I mean, the socks now, they are a bit trashed and worn out. Will he want to e your boyfriend again?

He will just turn back to himself, he will be a bit warped and rough around he edges at first but he will be ok. He wanted this. And no, he won’t be my boyfriend again. When he turns back he won’t remember me anymore. That was his wish too.

Okay, so this might sound a bit weird but I’ve always wanted to be a hot firefighter. One from a foreign country who has a long distance relationship with his lover. Who gets to see each other in person for 8 weeks of holidays a year and most weekends. But I’ll only risk it so long as your former boyfriend isn’t going to come back and want to date you.

Wow babe, that’s pretty hot, I’ve always dreamed of dating a firefighter. And there’s no risk of that, even if there was, your my boyfriend now, or rather you’ll soon be a hot firefighter and my boyfriend.

Fuck babe, I really want to do it.

Okay, I’ll take the socks off, all you need to do it touch my feet with yours. And keep touching them. Once you’ve changed and we are happy with the results I will separate our feet. What you thinking, Spanish.?

Yeah Spanish sounds good. I can’t wait.

Just so you know, as you change, so will the socks. Oh and I’ll need a pair of new socks, preferably a pair of your new Spanish firefighter ones, to protect my feet going forward.

Yeah babe, you can have a really dirty pair. So you can be reminded of me when I’m not there.

Babe, it’s starting, your changing.

I know, I can feel it. And for the record your ex boyfriend, he’s almost him self now. I’m not bitter, it I’m 10 times hotter than he is.

No babe, you were 10 times hotter, your 100 times hotter now. Your fit as hell. I love your orange boiler suit.



Dean Mosher

Can I play footie with him to get rid of my current body and be a big strong country boy