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There’s no point pushing me down like this, I’m already shorter than you so I don’t know why your doing it.

I’m not trying to push you down, I’m trying to compare the size of our skulls. See if my head is actually going to fit inside yours.

Why, it doesn’t matter, we are going to merge together and swap places soon.

Ok, fine, I skipped ahead. I’m worried that it’s not going to work, that it’s going to be too painful. I read that when I touch you my body will adjust a bit to make the merger a little less painful.

You didn’t read the whole of that part did you?

No, why.

It said when you touch at f y bare skin with your dick. It’s got to be your dick that touches me, not your hands. I must admit, I quite like it though. I’d love to know why we are doing this at the end of the day though. I’m dirty and sweaty, I sure as hell can’t smell nice.

Well we are doing it at the end of work because it’s an amazing excuse to explore each other’s bodies straight after the swap, by showering. And no I didn’t read the next word, hang in a mo, I’ll try it….. your right bro, it’s changing me, making me a bit smaller.

Now all you need to do is shove your dick inside me. And it won’t be long till your entire body is inside mine.

I can’t wait broooooo.

U still there, yer you definitely are I can feel you going inside me. Shit, you touched your face to the back of my head too early didn’t you and now you cannnnnn……

Brother, now I can’t talk with my voice, but I can with yours, I’m all the way inside you, it feels amazing. Oh fuck, now your bubbling, wait them are my hands, my real hands. My abs too, I’d recognise them anywhere. Fuck your coming out of me already, and your already growing to my size. Oh fuck I’m gonna come inside my own arse.

Let it all out brother we have swapped now

Wanna fuck me for real in the showers?



Ryan Thomas

For a second there I thought that last line was separate from the story 😏