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These hands, my hands, they can be yours for a price.

Don’t talk daft pal, they are your hands attached to your body, they can’t be mine, not sure I’d want them anyway.

Why what’s wrong with my hands?

Nothing mate, very nice hands but it’s impossible for your hands to be mine.

Trust me it’s possible, completely possible. You can have my hands and the rest of my body. I know you want to explore it, you’ve been checking me out.

Yer I do want to explore it but I know your not into that sort of thing.

Well, I’m offering you some time with my body, literally. For a price of course.

Even if it were possible, what kind of price are we talking?

Not money mate, time. It will cost you time. You see I’m up in court for a drugs possession charge. I was only hiding it for someone, I don’t do drugs or sell them. But I’ve been caught before. The judge should let me off with a caution, but it could be six months to a year. Don’t worry, if it’s more than six months I’ll take my body back, but I can’t do time. I need to stay out of prison.

And your going to use some kind of body sway technique so you stay out of prison, but I go, but in your body?

Exactly. We are going to have to swap today, tomorrow latest, because court is the day after.

Okay, well if this is possible, which I highly doubt. If I’ve gotta do six months in prison for you, I want something in return.

Your getting full access to my body in return.

Yes, but potentially locked up behind bars. No if I’m doing this for you I want your body for 3 months, either after you leave prison or if you, well I don’t end up going to prison, then 3 months after we swap. If you don’t agree to that, then there’s no deal.

You know I could just force this swap upon you.

Yeah I know, but if you did that then my deal still stands because I know the rules. A body swap taken by theft can only be reversed if the original owner of the stolen body agrees. After a mutual exchange, either can reverse the body swap. So you really have no choice.

Fine bro, it’s a deal, we will do it your way.

Ok great, how do we do it?

It’s really easy. I own a special pair of gloves. Anyone I give them too, who then wears them transforms into me. Then all I need to do is wear your gloves and I’ll turn in to you. As you mentioned, we can both initiate a reversal simply by passing on the special gloves to in this case me, but with your body. Your right, if I stole your body then I wouldn’t have the right to claim my body back and to make it fair I insist that each of us keep a glove from each of us, hidden away until the day comes to swap back.

It’s that easy? I put on your gloves and I transform into you? And I can do whatever I want while I’m you?

Well, yes it’s that easy. You put them on, the material expands to cover your body inside and out, then your me. You’ll have my body and my memories as well as your own memories. My entire body, including my clothes, you’ll be be exactly as I am now. And yes mate, my body is your body, my life is yours, do with it what you please, providing you turn up to court the day after tomorrow then do whatever you like.

Sweet, you got the gloves with you now?

Upstairs mate, in my room. Why? Are you up for it?

Up for it? My jaw is drooling and my dick is dripping from the thought of all of this. I’ve got a pair of gloves in my bag too. Want to do it now? I want to do it so badly, like I wish I’d known about this yesterday.

Sure we can do it now.



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