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Only a few weeks back Timothy was a model employee in every way. He was highly experienced in all aspects of the business and the company had invested a lot of time and money into training him further.

Recently though the bosses were concerned, they were actually on the verge of dismissing him and had given him two weeks to change before making a final decision. They didn’t want too and had declared a once in a life time opportunity for him, and me, for him to change his ways.

Previously you couldn’t fault him, he was a perfect employee. Now he had absolutely no get up and go, he was often late, couldn’t care less about his performance, he had become, to put it politely, un kept. Often dirty, un shaven, occasionally he had a smell about him. Thr smell wasn’t a bad one, I’m fact it’s had a familiar scent, but it was being masked. He had become quiet and reserved. When I challenged him about it he told me he had simply had enough, he wanted a change, he needed a way out. It was the perfect opportunity to propose the opportunity the bosses had given and had been approved by hr.

Timothy, the management are deeply concerned lately, as you know they have given you two weeks to improve or face dismissal. They don’t want this, they have invested too much in you to want to do this, but your setting a bad example.

So? I’m really not bothered.

You should be. Anyway, what’s wrong, why have you started to look dirty and what’s he smell your hiding with all that cologne?

I’m just going through a rough patch and the smell I’m hiding is just a bit of weed. I’ve started smoking it to get through the day.

Well, that settles it then. Management don’t want too loose you, so they have agreed a plan to sort you out. And it will eliminate the addiction too. You need a break man.

Your giving me time off?

Yep, two weeks to start, but it’s not the time off in the normal sense. Your taking a break from your body and life. You are going to allow someone else in the driving seat of your body for two weeks initially. If management see the improvement then you can have your body back, if they don’t then we may need to do this for longer.

Right ok, I’ve heard about this stuff. I really think it will help. Who is swapping with me..?

I am.

So your taking my body, 20 years old, in it’s prime. And I’ve got to take your 40+ year old body?

That’s the deal, take it or risk getting dismissed.

You’ve got me wrong, I’ll take it. Your stable, settled, right now I’m a mess. I’d happily trade with you, just for the break. How do we do it?

It’s one of the easiest things you’ll ever do mate. Go home, snap some selfies, naked selfies. Send them to me, I’ll do the same with you, and by next morning we will of swapped and be heading to work in each other’s bodies.

Ok, see you tomorrow.



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