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Dan, the entertainment is here.

Oh great, show them in.

I’ve already tried, they aren’t moving. They are just standing there smiling at me. Wait one of them is holding a note. The note says that they are outer shells only, a body suit so to speak. And they aren’t hired, they are purchased. It says that once the “entertainment” is over that the suits will seal around the occupier of the suit and thus the suit will be the wearer’s permanent appearance. It says that the most entertaining part is when the guests realise that their hosts were “missing” and that they were the entertainers. I’m not so sure I want to look like someone else, I’m quite happy with the way I look.

Well, the guests are here for the entertainment, all the gay and bi lads from the block, they are expecting strippers, and strippers are what they are going to get. They aren’t getting a set of models to stand in the corner. It won’t be so bad looking like one of these guys. I’m coming now, I’m getting first dibs. Oh my gowd! I don’t know which one to pick, they are all beautiful.

You say I’m beautiful.

You are babe, but these are something else. Which one do you want? I think the middle guy will look good on you. And I’m thinking of the guy on the left.

I thought you’d pick him. Ok, I’m ok with that plan, but who is gonna be the third? Our third wheel?

We are going to have to let one of the lads know the secret. I think I know just the man. James.

James must of heard us talking because as soon as I said his name he appeared at the door.

Oh my. Is this the entertainment? These three are stunning. Especially the one on the right. Tall, Latino, I imagine.

Well about that, there’s been a mistake in our order. Your right, this is the entertainment but these guys aren’t real. They wil, just stand there until some one picks them up and wears them. Then who ever is wearing them is going to provide the entertainment, the twist to that is the suits are not removable and these suits become the bodies of the occupiers.

So who is wearing them?

Well Andy said he wants he one on the left.

And James said the middle guy, so…

So the Latino is up for grabs. I’ll take him.

Really, you’d be happy looking like that forever?

Yes, I’ve heard about these suits, they never age, we will literally look this young and hot for ever.

Ok well, let’s bring them into the bedroom.

Dan started to read the instructions a little more. The first thing he noted was that the removal of their clothing would be beneficial but not necessary, he said thst we should remove anything covering their heads or necks as it would get in the way, but everything else should be fine. It was ok to remove everything else if we wanted too but the reveal would be far greater after the suits were over our bodies than if we were to reveal now. It also suggested that we got inside then after a shower, and not too dry off. It was better to be clean and wet when putting them on. It said to pay particular attention to areas that would sometimes be smelly as any scents can leave an after taste once the suit was on. That’s about it, other than to get into them by stretching their mouths wide.

Once they were in the bedroom, we laid them out then all 3 of us jumped into the shower together. We got out and each picked up the suit we had chosen. Their texture was like skin. I have to admit, this isn’t how I had planned the rest of my evening or the rest of my life. But here we were, about to change our looks. I picked up my suit, removed the hat and stretched its mouth as wide as I possibly could. It was amazing how stretchy this suit was. Thr detail was also amazing too, it had everything from freckles and blemishes, to teeth and a tongue.

I started to put it on, with my feet going inside his mouth first. I wiggled my legs down through his body, down his legs and pushed my feet and toes inside his. I knew I was bigger than him, but somehow I was fitting inside him. I think my actual body was shrinking into his. It felt amazing as my toes and feet connected and joined with his. I wiggled my toes and the tops of Hesse new trainers moved a little. I fiddled around inside the suit and pushed my dick and balls into the empty shaft thst was his dick and again it connected. It got hard very quickly. I have to admit I felt quite comfortable.

I looked over at Dan and James, they were in a similar state to me. There legs, feet and dick inside their hosts with a upper half suit flapping behind them. I reached my hands inside the mouth and ploughed them down my hosts arms, it didn’t take long before the suit had risen up my body and covered me. All that was left was the head, which now flapped around at the back of my neck, I grabbed the mouth with my new hands and pulled the skin over my head, there was a suction noise as I was completely sealed inside him. Every minuscule aspect of me now bonded with him. I looked over to my friends and they had just been sealed in too. It felt amazing. I was someone else, but I was still me. This was amazing and I couldn’t wait to explore what was underneath the cargo trousers. It was going to be fun tonight. We were all virgins and Dan, who was previously my boyfriend with his new body looked like he was going to enjoy being topped later, although from the size of my new dick, maybe I’ll have to be topped instead.



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