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I wish I knew why you're so against it Reece, it's just sex, it's not like it means anything, we are both consenting adults and you're always saying you're horny as hell, but your girlfriend isn't interested in sex.

Bro, you're my best buddy but there's no way your getting close to me, not in that way.

Come on mate, just try it, I'll even make it so you don't have to do anything. And I'll stop the second you ask me too, but I don't think you'll want me to stop.

Mate, we are going to fall out.

Fine, how about you let me see your dick? Just so I know what it looks like.

No mate, you aren't seeing it, you aren't touching it. I'm not letting you shove your rod anywhere near my hole, I'm not ever going to let you get that close.

There must be a way to persuade you,

The only way you will ever get that close to me, to see my dick is if you own my body, and it's not like that is ever going to happen.

Well, if that's the only way, then I can make it happen.

Make what happen?

Make your dick mine, make your body mine.

Mate, you're taking this way too far I'm not gay mate, I'm sorry, but no means no.

So you don't want to know what it's like to be someone else, to see what you look like from another man's eyes?

Well, when you put it like that, it would be kind of cool. But I'm telling you, no gay stuff, no sex. The only way you'll get to see my dick is with my own eyes, the only way you'll get too touch it is with my hands. Since you can never own my hands, it's never going to happen and there's no point talking about it any more.

It can happen, and its really easy to do it. I can take your body, just for a short while, a day or two and you would have mine.

Okay, I'm gonna let you explain how, I'm intrigued, and i really do want too see how I look from another mans eyes, not just from a mirror.

Well, it couldn't be simpler, you take off all your clothes, in a separate room to me - since I'm not allowed to see you with my eyes, I do the same, then we wear each others clothes. As each item of clothing is added to our bodies, they change into each others. Anything not touched by our clothes is changed once we wear each other ps sneakers.

It's that easy?

Yep couldn't be easier, could it?

It couldn't, I don't believe it will work, but if it does, it's for 2 days and that's it, and there's no sex. No straight sex, no gay sex, nothing. The most I will allow is a wank, got it?

Got it.

I needed to the bathroom and got undressed. He knocked in the door a few moments later and handed me his pile of clothes and I handed him mine. I didn't hesitate to out them on. My new look was completed when I added his sneakers to my new socked feet. I looked in the mirror, grinning at my reflection. I had fully transformed into him, he barged through the bathroom door, wearing my clothes and my body. Then he said....

Bro, you look so damn hot, I look hot. Your making me get hard, in an feel my dick, actually your dick growing at the sight of, well me. Can I kiss you..?

Sure, but no sex remember?

I made that rule and if I want to have sex with my REAL body then I will.

Fine by me,



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