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So, you getting the beers in?

You’ve already got one, plus if I win I don’t want to be taking over a drunken body.

Takes me a lot to get drunk, far more than a couple of pints. What do you mean though, taking over??

Still, I don’t want to be feeling any affects of alcohol when I take over your body.

What the fuck are you on about? Taking over my body, that’s nuts.

We agreed last time, since your such the good player, we said if you win next time that you’d let me take over your body, just to see if it’s your body or your mind that is he good player. We did a spit shake on it, a deal is a deal. I win I get your body.

Well, I must of been drunk back then, but fine, I ain’t going to loose so there’s no risk here. But let’s say I did loose. What do I get?

If you loose, hen I promised that I would transform myself into your clothes for a month.

Oh yer, I remember now. You said you would be my boxers, socks, tracksuit, sneakers, t shirt, you said you would become anything I wanted, if I wanted a new tracksuit all I needed to do was look at it. You said you would hide away if I slept naked at night or become what ever I wore at night. I think this could be quite fun either way.


Of course I made sure I won three games in a row. And we said best if five, so he couldn’t win no matter how hard he tried now. I had the owner of the bar set up the table in such a way that made sure I won. He was looking forward to someone else controlling this cocky abusive lad. He was ready to bar him and since he learned of my body takeover abilities he was glad to help. He still needed the lads money from the 10+ pints a day, but was sick of the attitude that came with it. The weird part of it all was that this lad, Jason, had agreed to let me take his body but didn’t want to become anything like clothing or someone else. If he was to suffer the humiliation of a loss then all he wanted to do was be left alone for the month. There seemed a perfect solution to this. As he took his final swing of the que, dealing his loosing fate his mind, his consciousness was transferred into the pool que. there he would spend a whole month alone.

Once he was in the que, it left his body empty. He was still holding a pint and had adopted a stance perfect for me too takeover him, he even gave me a finger as a kind of insult. Now all I needed to do was step up behind him and my body would be absorbed into his. That’s what I did, he hadn’t left much space between him and the wall and he was holding a drink. The owner said if I dropped the drink once I took over his body that I would have to double his takings for the night, I don’t know if he was joking or not but I saw it as a challenge, to enter this scallies body without spilling a drop.

His body was much smaller than my own, and everyone at the bar wondered how the hell I would fit inside him, they all gasped as at the moment I touched his hand with my own, my entire body shrank so that it was exactly 1 millimetre smaller than his in all directions. My cock had become hard, there was no hiding it, so I stepped behind him and nestled it between his bum cheeks. I then began the process. I pushed my foot into his ankle, my toes pushed through his heal, and his foot with ease, once it couldn’t go any further, I knew it was all the way in. I still couldn’t move, but I managed to wriggle his toes. I did the same with my other foot, then both of my legs followed through into his. I then got both my hands into roughly the same orientation as his and pushed them through his shoulders and down through his arms, again, once my arms wouldn’t go any further I knew my hands and arms were fully within his. I gave my hips a small thrust and the rest of my body, along with my dick were inside his. I managed to gain slight control of his body and tightened my grip on the glass, I then completed the process and pushed my head inside his.

Instantly I was able to move, I moved his arm, downed the pint. The punters in the bar, all of Jason’s mates cheered and the owner of the bar poured another pint for me and said it was on the house. The next month was going to be amazing. I was even looking forward to the day I was to give him his body back when he would be allowed back in by inserting the entire que inside his bottom. He was going to have some horrid memories of being a pool que and turning back into him self, not to mention all the gay sex I’m going to have in his body. I wonder which of his mates will be up for a good time later.


Well, he had won the last 25 games so there was probably no doubt that he was going to win our best of five, by the end of game 3 I conceded his win and offered to become his clothing for him to avoid any further embarrassment. I have to admit, I’m a way I am glad I lost. I’ve got a ferries for wearing someone else’s clothes, especially their socks and sneakers. He had given me more than that by demanding I became every part of his clothing, including the watch he always wears. I was going to cover his entire body day in, day out, and at night I’d likely be wrapped around his dick.

I needed 3 things to make this work. An item of his clothing, a sample of his dna and finally, I needed to touch his hand with my own. The clothing was easy and he removed his sneakers and threw them at me. I removed my own socks and sneakers and put them onto my own feet. They were a tight fit, being 4 sizes smaller than my own. The dna, he spat in a glass and handed me the glass, I drank his spit. Then I asked him if he was ready, he said he was, so I stood next to him and held his hand.

Then all of the clothing was removed from my body, except his sneakers, then the same happened to him and we were both stood naked holding hands. My body transformed into his and he freaked out and broke the bond. I told him he couldn’t stop now and went closer to him and hugged him. He began to speak so I kissed him. He stopped fighting it.

My body then reformed around his and transformed into all of his clothing. I was his socks, boxers, sneakers, T-shirt tracksuit, and his watch, I covered him all over. By the end he was still enjoying the kissing part, that was evident by the motion of his tongue and lips. I spent most of the day as this set of clothing, but I kept making his boxers smaller and smaller and after a few hours he had no choice but to abs me to stop and become something looser. The next month was going to be fun, days and his entire outfit, nights as just his underwear. Bliss.



Kis Andor

Very good. Looking forward to the sequel.