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Bro, you can help me can’t you?

Sure mate, what do you need?

Well, it’s a bit embarrassing but I need some new socks, I hate walking around with holes in my socks.

Sorry buddy, I haven’t brought any spares with me, why don’t you just buy some new ones?

I’m a bit skint, and it’s a week till payday, this is my last good pair. Can’t you do your thing?

My thing???

Yer, your thing, turn your self into a new pair of socks for me.

Oh that thing, its not that simple.

Oh, I thought you could transform your self into someone’s socks.

I can, I can turn my self into anyone and any thing, but it’s not so simple. There are consequences, for the person who I become or who I help by turning into a pair of socks for them.

What kind of consequences?

Well, it’s more of a kind of payment. You say it’s a week till pay day, that means I would need to be a pair of socks for you for 7 days. Payment for that would be 14 days. 14 days I would automatically be given control of your body whilst you become something else.

Something else, like what?

That’s up too you, you can become me, or your own socks, or even a body part of your own, someone else. It’s entirely your choice. So long as I get your body for 14 days that’s payment covered.

So if you help me out by being my socks for 7 days I have to pay you back. I kind of like this idea. Can I be you for a few days, then my socks for a few days?

I’m afraid not. If you choose to become me, then your me for 14 days. If you choose socks then that’s you, stuck that way for 14 days. If you wanted too be something else, you’d need to relinquish your body too me for a bit longer.

Ok, so how about 14 days as you, then a day more as my own socks.

That could work, except I’d need payment for helping you, for a day, it will cost you a day so you would have to be your socks for 2 days. However, there is a further consequence for you if I have your body more than 14 days. If I have your body more than 14 days then once your body is returned too you, it gets the ability to transform itself into anything and anyone.

Oh really, now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not sure I want the ability that you have, but if I agree to less time then I’ll be a few days without socks, I can’t do that. I can’t have bare feet and I can’t stand holes in my socks. Is the ability controllable?

Yes, eventually. At first you’ll turn into anything you touch for an hour or so. But once you get stronger you’ll be able to turn when you want and stop it when you don’t. And you have an advantage over my, you habe a tutor (me) to help you along the way.

Ok, well I don’t have a choice I’ll do it.

Ok well all you need to do is remove your socks, then I’ll touch them and I’ll be transformed into your socks.

Like this?

Yes exactly like that.

And all you do is touch them..? Can’t you do other stuff?

Like what?

Well I was wondering if you could lick them?

Makes no difference to me, but if your going to enjoy your feet being licked then I can do.

Yes please, lick them

Moments later I had licked them and turned into a pair of socks for him.

Uuiuurrrrrrrgggghhh, what a horrible colour, can’t you do white?


That’s much better.



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