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To look at him, you would think butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, so innocent looking and baby faced, however, that was far from the truth and not many knew of his troubles, one of he privileged few had recently become me. I was his best mate, in this image I was Ryan, the guy on the left.

It had always troubled me that Tommy always looked and smelt so clean, yet his work uniform made him look un kept. My mother had brought me up with ocd in regards to image and cleanliness. She even ironed my underwear and always said, if ever you had an accident I would like the doctors to notice how neat your clothes are. Ryan’s body was the same, clean, but his clothes seemed to tell a different story and he often came to work wearing what he wore yesterday, sometimes even the day before. I would say the only tell tale sign on his body was his middle finger, occasionally, it would be clean but more often than not it had a black stain on it. I had known his for years, since before school age and he had not always been like this.

I decided to make it my mission to help him but first I needed to find out what had happened to him and why. He wasn’t one for opening up about his feelings, I had tried and failed many times before so there was no point in asking him. I needed another way. That’s when I started looking into body swapping techniques. I planned to borrow his body temporarily to get into his mind. If I did it just as he was falling to sleep then maybe he wouldn’t even know I had swapped with him and we would just swap back once I had helped him.

I had tried astral projection and I could get myself out of my own body, but I couldn't navigate my self out of my own room. There were other ways to swap with him but none were temporary. All swaps were permanent and I didn't really want to be stuck as my best friend forever. There was one way which said that two connecting adults could switch places temporarily, if they both agreed to it. It looked like body swapping was going to be out of the question as there was no way I was asking him about it.

Then I thought about it some more, if I planted the seed in my own head that I was into body swapping, then did a permanent switch with him. Then whilst he was me and I was him we could talk about body-swapping and we could swap back. Since we knew about it, it wouldn't be permanent even though we would actually be switching back to our own bodies, but he wouldn't realise that. For the permanent swap a web site bragged about mixing it's special formula with a tiny amount of of liquid DNA from the body of the guy you planed to swap with into a drink. It suggested the liquid DNA to be seamum, piss, blood or sweat. I could easily get any of my own liquids, however his proved slightly harder to obtain. Luckily it didn't have to be much so I suggested a game of footy with the lads. Managed to get him a bit sweaty and when he removed his t shirt I grabbed it, took it away ad managed to get enough sweat out of the fibres to add to the drink. Now was a good a time as any so I got my pre prepared drink from my bag as handed it to him. He downed it on one and we both sat on the field opposite each other laughing and joking. Nothing appeared to be happening my friend wasn't changing into me and I was beginning to doubt that body swapping was actually possible. Then I thought about it some more. I knew almost everything there was to know about Tommy, we were close enough to have seen each other fully naked but not in a gay way but I knew his body stats, he packed quite a decent package where it mattered, I knew the sizes of all his body parts and clothing, at the very least by comparing them to my own and I knew his interpersonal traits. I knew his likes and dislikes. Then it struck me, maybe he didn't want anyone to know why he was so clean but his clothes weren't maybe it was too personal too know. Maybe I wouldn't like finding out. Maybe I wouldn't like being him, more to the point maybe i would like being him too much. Fuck it I downed my drink too.

Still, nothing appearance d to be happening. But then I noticed I had begun to sweat. I wasn't used to sweating ad even though it was a warm day, there was a cool breeze in the air the breeze was more noticeable than normal due to the sweat beading down my topless torso.

Topless? I never take my top off in public. I raised my arm and touched my chest. It was then that I noticed my hand. Or rather Tommy's hand. I only noticed from the appearance of ink/ tattoos on my knuckles and middle finger. I had his dirty middle finger too.And that's why I was topless, I now had his torso.

I looked over at him and he was clearly starting to change too. There was only six months between our birthdays but I always looked years younger than him. Now he was looking younger and his hair had grown longer. He was now wearing my top. I looked further down his body towards where the too half of his legsshoukd be and his dick, he wasn't wearing any clothes on that part of his body and the area looked kind of see through. I could definitely see the grass where there should of been legs. I looked down at my self and I too was the same. It was like one of those scenes in tv where they blurred out the identity of someone, soon though the haze as I decided to call it, moved downwards behind it grew his dick, balls and legs quickly topped off with his shorts. I watched at the rest of my legs and feet disappears before being replaced by his and topped off with his far more expensive trainers. I looked over too him and I saw most of him was now me, except his face. He was still talking to me and didn't seem to of noticed that anything happened. Then everything went black, for a few seconds I couldn't see a thing I was a little worried. But as quickly as it happened I could see again in an instant. I was still looking in the same direction. Only I was looking at myself. He was now me and I was clearly now him. Now anything I didn't know about him I now knew. He was now me acting and talking exactly as I would.

Then out if the blue he asked about body-swapping, and I knew my seed planting had worked. He directly asked me if we could try swapping bodies. I told him I would think about it for a few days but made sure he knew I was interested. For now I wanted to get to know him on a more personal level without ANY clothes on. And of course I now needed to fix his problem.

His problem was something he would probably wanted to keep secret but I now knew it. It was nothing sinister. It was simple, before his mother had cared for him, done all his washing and everything else. Now she was too old and frail and was bed-bound. He didn't know how to use a washing machine and his mother couldn't show him. Even if he did he wouldn't be able to afford the power to run it. He wasn't getting any help. The dirty finger, well once a week he washes all his clothes by hand and dries them with an old contraption. The first time he used it, it tore his finger nail off, now every time it grows back, it grows black and everytime it does, he has to wait for it to be long enough to remove it. The secret was out and he had felt embarrassed about it, now I was him I felt the same embarrassment but I didn't need to hide it. I decided to get him help. For a start, a few days later, I took all his washing to my “former” house and washed it there.

During my time at “his” house, we talked some more about body-swapping. I have to admit, I was reluctant to do it. I preferred his body and I actually enjoyed his life. But he thought he was in his original body, only I knew different, and our next swap should only be temporary, that memory, of our original swap, was suppressed from my mind so that he could not gain any knowledge of it. Of course I would remember no matter which body I was in. I didn't want to swap back to my own body, so I made him promise that it was just a trial, just for a week then we would swap back. He agreed. I would get his body MY new body back.after a week, if I wanted it.

Our temporary swap was to me much easier than our last one. All we needed to do was trade clothes. The instructions downloaded from the web said that we each needed to remove our own clothes at the same time, in a certain order. Which we did. Footwear (leave socks on), any hats, gloves, jewellery, watches, anything covering the torso, anything covering legs (leave underwear), socks and finally underwear. It then sad to fold each item of clothing up as neatly as possible and stack on a pile in the order they were removed, so shoes were on bottom, underwear on top, and hand them to the person you were swapping with.

He joked that it was going to feel weird putting on someone else underwear. He thought it was a little disgusting that he was about to allow someone elses clothes to touch his skin. Little did he know that it was really his clothes touching my body and I didn't care. I reminded him that if it worked it wouldn't matter because what ever was under the clothes would be the body belonging to the clothes.

Next on the instructions said to wear the clothes that had been headed too you andto.pit them on in the same order.

We did at exactly the same time as each other and we swapped just as we should of.

We did spend exactly a week ‘swapped’ but now we just swap whenever we feel like it.



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