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This was the bit I hated the most. Pulling double shifts. The big wigs upstairs needed extra work doing but in their hey day thought it was a good idea to stop anyone working more than 8 hours a day. However, they needed the work doing quickly, it was skilled work and there wasn’t time to train up any new people. But that didn’t stop them recruiting new people. Or rather new bodies. They had developed a way for people to “gift” their bodies to regular workers so we could pull double shifts. They were given minimum wage for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and all they needed to do was arrive at work on time, put in someone else’s clothes then leave and come back 8 hours later to be given their own clothes and body back.

This was now the third time I had done it this week. My clothes had already been sent to my ‘body’ for the day and his had been sent too me. It was so fast paced and demanding that I hadn’t even had time to shower this time so he was going to get my body in its worst possible condition. I was pretty happy with my body, I was fit and healthy, even though I was sweaty and dirty I hated giving it up. But quadruple money for me meant I had to do this. I started to examine his clothes. The washed jeans, the boots and By now he had already transformed into me so there was no going back. I wasn’t ready for it today and wanted to change my mind. His clothes weren’t really shouting to me that I was going to be given a nice body. The bosses barged in, shouted some shit about hurrying up so I had no choice. I put on the clothes and turned into someone else. 8 hours, I’ve got this.

This guy was pretty fit too, but I had no time for looking. All I knew was I had tattoos. A condition of returning their body to them was to shower and put on clean clothes. But today he didn’t Turn up to return my body and I had to go home with his, no idea how I’ll explain this to my other half.




Aw, man, I feel like he definitely downgraded. But I’d love to read what the “new guy’s” reaction was to arriving in an already dirty and sweaty body