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So, I’ve decided to introduce myself to everyone here and admit a few home truths that I can’t do on my own social media. You’ll of seen me about on tumblr, onlyfans (maybe) Instagram, Snapchat. You’ll of probably seen many pictures of me as I’ve seen “me” posted on many sites. I’m struggling to think of story ideas of late. But I will continue to post and habe over 100 stories that I call wips (works in progress) or drafts.

My name is josh, in 26, however, I’m an old man trapped in a young mans body. I wish I could live in pre war times and be a servant in a big posh house (google downton Abby.) I like all things old. I hate who I am. I’m certainly gay, yet I have 2 kids by 2 different women. However, I’ve never been with a guy, not sexually, had gay relationships but never been more than a kiss, even though one lasted for 3 years. I love the idea of body swapping, absolutely adore it and even if I was able to swap with an identical twin of my own I would want too, just to experience a body swap. That might sound mad, but I’d love to experience how it would feel to be someone else.

Yes I’m a scaly boy, or actually a chav because the difference between a scaly and a chav is that a scaly is straight and a chav is gay. I love cars, tattoos, motor bikes, tracksuits, trainers (or sneakers). I’m a model ( sometimes) a singer, (sometimes) an owner of a business that helps people with labouring work for a fraction of the normal cost. I love the way my body looks after the gym and go regularly to keep it looking that way, but I don’t really like my body or the way I look and I’d sooner let someone else have my body just so I can try out being someone else.

My body swap journey began at primary school (age 4-10) when I was around 9 I decided to contour up a dream where I’d take over my class mates bodies and improve them in some way, before leaving and helping someone else. Then when I was 13 a good friend of mine randomly said “can I borrow your body?” Of course he didn’t mean it in the way it was in my head, but I said sure and he pushed me into a group of people as a joke.

So there’s a few images of me below, feel free to reach out to me with story ideas. Don’t worry I will be posting, as always, at least once a week, but generally more than that with more than a few on some days.


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