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You know I’m not happy about this don’t you?

Yes mate, I know. But when you need money and there’s no work then it’s by far the easiest way to get some much needed money. and the best part, it doenst cost youma penny and you dont need to pay it back.

I know. Money has never been so hard to get. I mean look, I can't even afford new socks.

By the time I'm done, you'll likely be able to afford a Ferrari, never mind new socks, hell I might even great you to a while new wardrobe and still give you the cash on top. But you do know what happens to you don't you?

I know exactly what happens to me. That's why I look so pissed, why I am so pissed.

Mate, you'll feel nothing for the duration. In fact you'll probably like it.

But I'm about to be transformed into a pair of used, dirty, worn out socks and your about to turn yourself into me and I get the pain of you not being able to remove these socks from your feet for the entire time you have my body. If id of known today was the day, is of at least of worn a pair without holes in. Can I at least out in a better pair?

Mate, we agreed the swap would be at my convenience and completely unannounced, the socks your wearing now are the socks you will become, the socks I have to wear none stop except for shower time for the next month.

Month, we agreed a week?!?!

I was just testing, your right we agreed a week for 10k but I'm hoping you'll come back for more, if we both like this arrangement. Normally my minimum requirement for 10k is a month but there's just something about you that makes me give in and I agreed to 10k for a week as an introductory offer, you won't get that much for a week next time.

I'm really hoping there won't be a next time, I'm hoping to get a job and not need your services.

Why would you do that? 10k a month, many don't get that a year. If you did this for 3 or 4 months a year, you'd be well off and never need to work a day of your life, and don't forget all the time I'm you I'm not spending your money, I'm spending my own, so you will have even more money.

When you out it that way it sounds awesome, but your getting a thrill from this, using my body as your own, becoming me. I'm getting stuck as a dirty pair of socks.

As your getting 10k, so cut the crap, the lip, fair enough your stuck as a pair of socks but 10k is a lot of money. And the fact your current pair of socks are worn and a little battered makes it easier for me to transform into you, if they were new it would take me longer.

Fine, I'm assuming now is when its going to happen?


And how will it happen?

It's already happening mate, haven't you noticed?

Noticed what?

Well your skin is turning white and fluffy, your shrinking, your being absorbed.

Oh fuck I wasn't ready. Your definitely going to pay me aren't you and turn me back?

The 10k will be in your bank account the moment I take you off your own feet in exactly seven days time. Now don't worry about it and enjoy your time away. I'm a little jealous that you get to not be bothered the facts of life for a week.

Soon there was nothing left of him apart from a pair of socks that had absorbed his entire body and it's clothes. All that was left was for me to set up the bank transfer, put his socks on and wear his body for a whole week.

My transformation began the moment I picked him up. Anywhere the socks touched my body turned into his, so I had already got his hands and fingers. I decided to run them up my arms a little and underneath became his arms, right down to the bangle and watch on his wrist. I placed him onto my feet and his body grew up my own from my feet, it was almost instantaneous, the fact these socks had already been worn for a few days helped with the speed of my transformation. It was amazing, my feet, now his feet, my toes perfectly aligned to where his toes where previously. My legs now his, my dick, torso, arms, hands and my head all now his. Clothes we're added to cover my naked body. I was now a perfect replica of him, right down to his just got of bed look which is one of the things I loved about him. Shame this time it's only going to be a week, but it's going to be a fun week.



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