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(Story concept inspired from the original tron movie) Boss, the job you sent me too today, I can’t do the final skim.

Why not Matt?

The sparky hasn’t finished, he’s got loose wires everywhere!

For fucks sake, he told me he had finished last week, you should just be able to get what you need done and out of there by lunch.

No chance boss, it’s a right mess.

Well, I’ll get another sparky there today, you might as well go home, I’ll still pay you.

Boss, even though you know how much I hate it, just download a sparkies body to me, I’ll get it done this morning.

Well, thanks for the offer Matt, but I need my best plasterer all week can’t loose you to being a sparky and as you know the download is Monday to Friday.

I don’t really want to be a sparky either, it’s weird going home and still being clean, you know not covered in dust. I just don’t feel like I’ve done a days work when I’ve been a sparkie. But boss, Don’t you know how it works? If you send me a sparkies body I get to use his mind and body as a sparky and then I can still use my own mind and skill set to plaster. I only loose the sparkies skill set when I return to my own body.

No Matt, I didn’t know that, all these times I’ve sent downloads to tradies and had to pay them for a full week, thinking that they would only need to use a skill for a day or two. I feel like I’ve been abused.

Well now you know. And while I’m doing this as a favour to you, send me that young sparkie, the one who worked with me last time, the one in the grey joggers, he looked like he had a massive snake hiding under there, and my wife deserves a good beating with a dick like that.

Whatever you want mate, he young muscular one?

Thes the one, he won’t be clean after a days work when I’m done with him, haven’t we got that pool building job coming up? His muscles and my mind would be great for that.

We sure have, get this job done today, tomorrow latest and you can start the pool the day after.

Sweet boss.

I’ll send the download in the next 10 minutes. All you need to do is….

Boss, I might not like doing this, I’ve not done it often, but I know what to do. Click the link and his body is downloaded over mine.

Thanks for this Matt, there will be an extra weeks wages in your pay check this Friday.

Thanks boss.

Minutes later the link had landed in my phone. I went to a secluded place and clicked the link, the download began.

It was a weird experience and that’s why I hated it so much. It wasn’t so much that I disliked being someone else, I disliked becoming someone else. The whole episode felt wrong, like I was being invaded by an alien. Then the moments straight after a download when you experienced everything again like it was the first time you’d done it. A smell of coffee that I’d smell every day of my life was so different after a download. But think of it in the way of body odours. Every person has their own smell, and becoming someone else you notice it a lot. Eating too, a simple sandwich that you’d ate thousands of times before tasted brand new. Smoking, if the body you were given smokes so would the download smokes too. Taking a piss, holding another mans dick, even though right now it was your own dick, felt very weird, but it’s something that can’t be avoided, taking a dump in someone else’s body is also weird. Maybe I think too much into it, I always wonder what they had eaten, what was I now shitting out of their stomach that they had eaten. We only get the skills needed for the tasks from their memories and experiences, but if a sparky had 10 years experience, we would get it in the download too. We also got to know their body sizes instantly with their memories along with medical problems with their body. Skin textures and tones, muscle shapes and definition, we are all the same but so very different.

The download was all taken care of by the boss and sent to our phones. Our phones them became the device that made the swap happen. As soon as the link is pressed, the phone takes on a mind of its own and is taken out of our hands and hovers in front of us. It scans us completely once, and then it scans each area of our body individually it removes the clothing item that goes with it. Which is why we needed to be in a secluded place. It always began with our feet. So it scans them both together, then takes away our boots and socks. This bit is always a little scary because you forget that your boots are holding you up about a centimetre off the ground. So you always feel like your falling down a great hole. Then it scans your legs and removes your trousers. It leaves scanning your mid region until last to retain dignity as long as possible, but it moves up to your torso, scans it and removes your tops. It continues scanning arms, hands - removing gloves, and then head - removing hats then the middle region, removing underwear. Once the scan is over, it does another full pass over your body, creating a back up, just incase anything went wrong. The process starts again, only this time in a much slower way. The slowness is needed for the detail.

The beam directs itself at the largest toe on my right foot, it scans with millimetre precision removing my toe in the process, the beam then moves onto the next toe and a secondary beam begins transmitting the download, piece by piece my body is being removed and replaced with the downlaod. Right foot replaced, it moves onto the left foot, then my left leg, it travels up the left side of my body, replacing the left half of me with the download the boss sent me. It then repeats the process on the other half of my body. Half way through, I look a right mess with half of me still me and the other half the new downloaded me. It takes around half an hour and then the beam starts to replace clothing. The clothing that this body was wearing at the time he was sampled. Judging by the body odour it was sampled on a Friday night after a long day, heck a long week at work without a shower. No top had been downloaded onto my body. My phone was then delivered back to my new hands, it’s facial and finger print recognition re programmed to match my new face and hands. A message with body statistics popped up.

Download completed it will expire in 6 days, 23 hours and 58 minutes, your original body will not be accessible until then.

Sampiling was completed 2 days 4 hours ago, Friday 4pm (that was the time he finished the job, the boss must of been impressed and got him in for sampiling.)

Height, 5ft 9”

Weight 109kg

Body type muscular

Shoe size 9

Waist size 28”

Chest size 38”

Bicep size 18”

Age 19

Penis length 10” confirmed

Skill set electrician, general labourer, heavy lifting

Intolerances none recorded

Medical history nothing of relevance recorded

Eyesight 20:20 without correction

Your identification, driving licence, all social media profiles, any photographs, the memories of anyone who knows you has been replaced to reflect your download. Anyone you see will recognise you as Matt, essentially you are still Matt, just with the body and skill set of your download. Your wardrobe contents, including dirty laundry and any grooming products this download requires has been replaced with copies of the real owner of this body. If you require any additional clothing or grooming products you should purchase these to reflect your current download, you will be compensated in your pay check. Enjoy your week with your download.



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