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So, your going to pay me 10k each and every month in exchange for the use of my body for 1 week a month, plus a day every week and an initial period of 1 month?

Yep, that’s about right.

And what happens to me while you use my body?

Well, normally you’d become me, but if you prefer I can plant you in someone else’s body?

Your body, your life will do just fine for now. And how do we swap?

The month long swap, our first swap has to be sexual, but after that all we need to do is meet up and swap clothes. The clothes must of been worn for at least 2 days otherwise the swap might take too long.

Ok, I can do this. 10k a month to an 18 year old is a lot of money. And we are going to do this for ten years?

Yep, the contract will be until your 28th birthday, after that you’ll no longer be able to swap with me with your clothes, if you needed to swap again, it would have to be sex. My payments to you will stop and will only resume if you make a one off body swap request. Just let me know when you want to do it.

May as well do it now!

Right here?

Sure, no one is about, no houses to see us, quiet road, it’s getting dark we may as well.

Literally seconds later he had already lowered his trackies and boxers and removed his top, then covered his man hood with his cap.

Mate, there’s not a lot of point covering your dick, soon I will be you. You sing your own hands, your own eyes to feel and see your dick.

Well I know that, but it’s cold, I don’t wanna loose the moment and get soft on you.

The cap soon came off and e was fucking me hard, I returned the favour and fucked him back.

The swap began, and I felt myself getting smaller, more muscular, less fatty. I hadn’t bothered to remove any of my clothes like had, I knew the system would swap our clothes at the end, but as I got smaller the clothes just fell off my body. I watched as he grew, grew into me. His feet had already expanded and were now so big that his feet could no longer fit inside his sneakers, they popped off his feet along with his socks. I now saw my own body standing in front of me, gpclothes frowing from under his skin. Clothes were growing on my body too. I striked a parting pose, with my cap on my new dick and told him I would see him in a month



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