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We are brothers now, we never used to be but we are now. His name is sean and he's 26, I am Martyn and I'm 19, the one on the left with the darker hair. You see Martyn had a desire to be older, he always used to come to comment that he was an old guy trapped in a young body. He enjoyed the simple life and preferred he outdoors over technology. But it was more than that, he liked the way people did things in the olden days before kids were attached to screen. Of course, he didn't want to be an old man but he did want to be older. He hated stereotyping that came with people of teenage years and he wasn't your typical teenager. He spoke at great length about wanting to be older and even looked into ways of changing his birth records so he could claim to be older, nothing like that would work and even if it did, he would still look like the typical stereotype teenager. But then it got me thinking, what if I could swap him into a slightly older person body? I began looking online and I found ways to be able to do it. Then it got me thinking, would he give me his body and I could drop 20 years of age in a matter of minutes?

The websites were full of ways to do it and many stories of how people made it happen. Some were just stories but others were extremely convincing. I decided to confront him about it. At the time he was Martyn. He told me he would be willing to give me his body with one condition. He didn't want to stray too far from his family fold. So he said if I were to get his body that he would want to be Sean, his brother. That sounded completely achievable to me and he too began looking into ways we could make it happen. Here we're many ways. Sex, he decided this wouldn't be the right way, gay sex isn't something he had ever planned on trying and sex with his brother would be a little weird. Potions and spells, he believed that these ines were the fake ones and some of the potions looked like they hadn't existed for many years. Body suit, there were stories of a drug that could be injected into a person to turn them into a body suit and while this might work, it wasn't for us. There was a very expensive drug to buy. DNA trade. The most convincing method and the easiest for us to do was a trade of each others DNA via each others feet. The method suggested that if we made a tiny incision on the soles of our feet, licked the sole of the person who you were to give your body too and then placed the lickers socks and shoes onto the feet that had just been licked that they would entirely swap bodies. This method was good as it was the only one that included mind transference. Martyns brother would be turned into me after I licked his feet and out my socks and shoes on his feet then my mind would be transferred to him removing all knowledge of body swapping.

That evening I gave them both a lift home. Martyn invited me into their house by offering me a thank you beer. Of course I accepted. After about an hour sean announced he was tired and went to bed. This was our moment to set our plan rolling. We left him for a while then checked he was asleep and he was. I began the process by licking his feet. Then I got out a small surgical scalpol and made a small incision on the sole of his foot. I added my socks and boots to his feet. Martyn then forced sean to lick his feet as he slept. We then headed to martyns rood where he licked my feet and then we both made the small incision on the soles of our feet. Martyn handed me the socks and sneakers he had just taken off his feet and grabbed the pair that sean had recently taken off. We added them to our own feet. Nothing happened for a while. But we just started chatting lay on his bed. After a while we must of fell asleep. As the next thing we knew there was a knock on the bedroom door. I automatically said “come in”. My voice had changed, it had become much softer and quieter. I recognised it as the voice of Martyn. The door opened and it was me, or rather it was who I used to be. My former body said “sorry guys, I must of drank too much and fell asleep.” Sean already had the answer. “Yeah mate, you conked out on the kitchen table and we carried you to my room. Didn't seem any point waking you up.” ‘cheers guys’ was his response.

The swap had worked and we were now brothers, I was thrilled to be 19 again and Martyn who was now my seen was please to be slightly older and my former self left our house and went on about his life as though he had always been me.



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