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If my shoe fits, wear it.

What do you mean mate?

I mean if my shoes will fit your feet, wear them, borrow them.

Why would I want or need to borrow your shoes?

Well, because I know when you we're someone elses shoes you can turn into them, so I suppose what I'm actually saying is if the shoe fits, wear me.

Oh well you've got it slightly wrong, but oh so right as well. You see I don't need a shoe to fit, all I need is the sole of your foot.

Really, well here it is, do your worst. Enjoy it, become me.

Oh I will enjoy it, but are you sure?

Sure about what?

Well I will become you, but you'll transform too.

Into what?

Well, your shoes, that's why you will of seen me with other peoples shoes!

How long for?

Until I decide to move on and become someone else. Then you'll be returned to your own body. Could be a day, a week, a month even a year.

If I'm a pair of shoes for a year, there's no telling how worn they will be.

Don't worry, it won't be a year, and to be honest I know your going to enjoy it. It's fun honestly. Being worn by your own feet, wearing away, becoming smaller and smaller.

Fine, go on then do your worst.

Oh I will, I haven't been a chav for such a long time, maybe it will be a year.

In that moment I sat opposite him and pressed the soles of my feet against his, I felt his essence flow within me and his body began to absorb me inside his. It felt amazing to be flowing inside him filling up every part of his body and taking control. He was to be temporarily to be stored in his own feet waiting for the next time I wore his shoes but I think I’ll stomp around in his body barefoot for a few hours yet though. His shoes are going to get enough abuse from me soon.



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