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Maaaannnn. You've gotta get out of my head.

I will, I will, I promise.

You promised last week, and the week before and the week before that too, you've gotta get out of my head TODAY man.

I know I've gotta get out and I will when I'm ready.

Look, you said it would only be a week, you promised that it would only take a week for you to copy some of my tattoos onto your own body, but your still inside me.

I know, I'm sorry it's taking longer than expected, your ink is very intricate and it's just not absorbing onto my body as well as I had hoped.

Look, you've got to the end of the week and I want you out. I've had enough of having an extra voice inside my head, my thoughts aren't just mine, I hear yours too it's freaky. Plus the fact you can take over complete control of MY fucking body whenever you feel like and I'm powerless to stop it or take my own body back.

I didn't think you'd notice me taking over every now and then, I normally just do it when your about to go to sleep.

Yer I know, but when you take over, it wakes me up and I end up not sleeping, just waiting and watching what you do. As you've taken over me at random times too, like the other day when you decided to start flirting with that GUY in the car next to me. Don't think I don't notice, I've got an image to maintain, a straight guys image and your fucking me over big time. I don't think your having trouble getting my ink onto your own body, I think you like is being this way.

Wow man, I'm sorry I didn't realise this was annoying you so much, I'll get out as soon as I can.

Thank you. Why I'm on about it, the way you got inside me, don't ever do that to me again.

You gave permission for it.

I know I did, to help you out, but spcome on man, what kind of person does that?

Well, not many since I'm the only person with this ability that I know of.

But I felt like a puppet. Sticking your dick in my arse made me completely loose control of my body, I literally couldn't move, wasn't even able to speak. Your dick hurt me man. And it was in me for a good 20 minutes.

It was 30 minutes actually. And at least you were sat down. You didn't need to do anything anyway. It was you sat on me, you hurt me with your boney arse if I'm being brutally honest. But it's honestly the only way I know, my dick in you allowed me to move your body, to manipulate into the exact position mine was in. That manipulation was what allowed my body to pass through yours when we merged together.

Never again man, I hope the reverse isn't going to be like that. Maybe if you'd of left me after a week like you promised then id let you do it again, but I just don't trust you to stay for a week and leave. In fact I think you've already done what you needed to do and your just trying to stay longer. I want you out.

Ok, here's the truth, you beautiful blue eyed boy. I'm stuck, one already tried to leave but I cant get out, I take over your body to do some research to find out what's wrong and why I can't leave. Last time I tried I actually succeeded, but it was you that left, with my body instead of your own and I quickly put us back this way again.

You serious? Your stuck inside me?

For the moment yes. Until I can find a way to leave with my own body, we are stuck like this. I've done it with 100s of guys before and never been stuck before I don't know what's wrong.

I think I do. You see I've always been interested in body-swapping, reading stories, imagining what it would be like to experience another mans body and take on their life. I think you may of hit a nerve and connected with me. As to be honest, having you around in my head was fun at first but I can't keep going the way we are.

Well mate, we only have the two options, carry on as we are or you leave your own body, taking mine with you, taking over my life, maybe one day we will find a way to swap back?

Well id sooner leave and be two separate people again, can't cope with two voices, two minds. After all, our bodies are just vessels, it doesn't really matter who we are or what we look like.

Fine man, when you sleep tonight, I'll take over and when we wake up we will be two separate people again.

Take over me now if you want?

I could, but we will only separate as we sleep, you might as well enjoy your last day in your body.

That night as jarard began to sleep I took over his body. I then forced my real body out of his and his mind left with it. He is now in my body, and goes by the name of rory, jarards/ my tattoos copied onto his skin white nicely. He briefly woke up, noticed his new dick was in my arse, put his arm around me and we both fell to sleep. The next morning, his wife was still inside me and it wouldn't release. We had both just had the most amazing nights sleep in a while now our mimds were separate. Rory tried to force his dick out of me, but it wouldn't budge, of course the actions he was doing meant he was actually fucking me. It wasn't long before he cummed in me and he was able to release his dick.



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