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A typical scene at any music festival, men and women of all ages covered in mud, wearing wellies and drinking alcohol usually stinking with the stench of stale beer and body odour after days of sleeping in a tent partying like there was no tomorrow. However, as these four from left to right, Dylan (A) dek (B) Karl(C) and Dale (D) attempted to leave the venue they were stopped by security.

Hey, you four, can you step this way please?

Sure, is there a problem?

No, you’ve just been selected as the winners of this weeks party animal event and we have a special gift for you. How would you like to experience something out of this world, maybe let the party continue, let someone else deal with the come down the four of you are more than likely going to experience, an out of body episode - so to speak!

Sure I think we all like the sound of all that!

Except the out of body experience, that sounds a little freaky said dale.

Yeah, I’m perfectly happy with my own skin, thank you very much said Karl.

Well, these lads are pretty wealthy, they are on holiday at the moment, however, their passports have been revoked and are now in the process of trying to get Cypriot citizenship, they just need a couple of weeks to sort their affairs. They are willing to take on your bodies as they are now, fresh or rather stale from the festival. They will pay you the equivalent of a ten year salary for lads like you.

I’d want twenty years salary for use of my body for two weeks.

I’m authorised for up to 15 years, do we have a deal.

In a quadret, the answer was “Deal”. Do we get to see who we will look like before we swap into them? Pick who we are becoming?

No, the selection process is all on them. I can show you a group image, but they have decided. They have already been sent your images and body statistics and vitals and are just waiting for confirmation from you all.

That’s hardly fair they are using our bodies for two weeks. They are hiring us.

And you’re using theirs, with full access to everything they have, besides they are the ones paying for this. If you really want to using a hiring analogy, when you hire a car, the car doesn’t get to pick who hires them does it? Here’s the group pic. Left to right is tom (E) harry, (F) Dave (G) and James (H).

Oh they ain’t too bad. Said Carl.

It would be a bit weird, suddenly having tattoos said dek.

More weird having a beer gut instead of a six pack said Dylan.

No way, it’s going to be worse having all that hair on your chest dale.

At least they are all clean! In more ways than one, it looks like they have been at a festival too and there’s no illegal substance to be seen said Dylan. I bet that beer is alcohol free.

Meanwhile in Cyprus, we had just been told the lads at the festival were absolutely rank from sweat, booze and drugs, the picture said it all, covered in mud wearing hardly any clothing, we could only guess that the matching underwear and pvc tracksuits was all part of their look for the festival. It didn’t matter to us what they looked like, smelt like or felt like. We only needed their bodies to sort a few things out and had already booked appointments we needed. And some appointments were about ten days away, some were tomorrow. Festival attendees were likely the only type of guy who would agree to this. The look, the smell could all be fixed with a shower and a visit to a clothing store. Nonetheless we had all chosen our favourite look, our favourite body.

A small sample of blood was taken from each of us and mixed with some kind of drug, both in the uk and Cyprus, in the uk all labelled a-d, in Cyprus (e-h)

Some weird trickery went on behind closed doors and new syringes with the opposite labels were brought out.

I (Tom) had selected a swap with Dylan, so I was handed syringe A he was given E. harry selected Carl so was given C whilst harry got F. Dave selected dek and James selected dale. We all had to inject ourselves in our necks and a count down was enabled from 5. Once it hit 0 we all pushed the plungers together and everything went dark.

The darkness lasted for what seemed like an eternity, in reality it was about thirty seconds. The first thing that hit me was the stench. BO and beer, not a great combination. Feeling and smelling like utter shit I headed home for a shower andnsime pain killers. I wasn't impressed, the others were equally dismayed. But needs must so we each continued our 2 weeks away from our own bodies. It was a complicated time, we still had to actually be these lads, work their jobs, live their lives but also sort our own affairs out.

We kept in touch with our former bodies and they were all doing ok. I got chatting quite closely with my former self. He didn't want to go back to his former body and life, he asked if he could stay as me. I said no, I wanted my own life back, or at least a life I was creating in Cyprus. Itmdidnt necessarily have to be my own body or life. The problem was I didn't know if I'd be happy in one of the others bodies.

We asked the scientists for advice, they said they could provide enough of the solution for fifty swaps and leave a device to teleport the syringes to each other. That would be perfect. It meant we could “try” everyone else’s body and return to our own if we didn’t like it. The scientists said all we needed to do was “accidentally” re label the syringes.

When the day came I was handed syringe E. it had been relabelled from dave, Dylan who was me currently was handed A, but it had been relabelled and actually contained c. We all had the count down and everything went black again. Once we had all swapped, I was now Dave, Dave must be me and Dylan was now Carl. It worked exactly to plan and the beauty of it was that none of the others realised they had landed back in the wrong bodies.

Over the coming weeks we both swapped between our friends and each others friends. I even attempted to go back into my own body but I found that my happiest time was when I was Dylan. I asked Dylan if we could use our last swap and become him permanently . He agreed giving two conditions. The first condition was he wanted to become Karl forever. The second was that once I was Dylan and he was Karl that we would date and become a couple.

I didn’t hesitate to agree and we swapped there and then. I loved my life and new forever body now, so glad we went to that festival.



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