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Why do you look so scared?

I’m not scared, I’m petrified! I’ve just seen who I’ve got to swap with. I hate this time of the week. He’s the one who abuses others bodies, takes them out every night getting drunk, stoned and has sex with whoever he wants.

Sounds like a great time to be honest.

It’s not, it’s horrendous when I get my own body back after he has had it. It’s a huge come down from his week of partying! I can’t understand why we have to do this! I hate every part of it!

Don’t you enjoy being someone else for a while? And I’m sure you know why, we offer a three day working week instead of 5 everyone wants to work less but we can’t afford any more people to work here so we swap you into someone else who can work the other 3 days for you. Your body works six days a week, but you only work 3.

Yeah I know, it’s great but I’d happily keep working 6 days if I didn’t have to swap. Why do we need a full week in someone else’s body any way, why not just the 3?

Company policy says we can’t allow you to work for 6 days and it’s always a week, it’s the requirement of the swap, it was supposed to be two weeks but they amended the rules for this purpose.

Fuck, i don’t wanna do it, I might just quit.


tough to trust someone else with your only body and allow them to run your life.

Chill, you won’t find a company offering such a good deal.

Uuiurrrggghhhh I hate it. I don’t know why I’m moaning so much. It’s just the person I’m swapping with.

I’m sure he doesn’t enjoy being someone else every week. He is in his own body for an hour a week maximum, he’s always in a worker body at least you get to be you and have every other week off work. Next week you will be you and the week after your likely to be someone else it’s not often you get his body.

I’ve had his body the last four times, so hopefully next time will be someone different! It’s true, it must be tougher for him. Yeah I get all the benefits I just don’t like it, actually being someone else and the actual transformation but hey, let’s just get it over with.

He’s already provided his sample, so we just need yours then you can enter the pods.

I placed my hand into the device and a reading was taken, then a small finger prick took a tiny sample from me. He, the guy who would be getting my body for the week entered the room. We went into the pod together, there wasn’t much room, that was the idea, we needed to touch. We stood nose to nose and the machine was activated. The sample previously takes from each of us was placed into the machine and a tiny needle pricked each of us in the back of our necks and the process began.

Fuck dude, I really hate having to do this, I swear I’ve had your body more than anyone else has.

You’ve definitely had it a lot, certainly more than me, secretly I requested your body again, I love how it feels and the boys love it.

The boys?

Yeah, I’m gay, but I can’t be gay with my own body, it would ruin my reputation, so when I’m you I can be myself and be gay, don’t worry I don’t let guys fuck your body, I’m strictly a top!

Hey, whatever floats your boat! I guess, I’m a way gay sex is safer than straight sex, at least there won’t be any kids on the way. If you want to try being a bottom feel free, let me know how it felt next time? But do me one favour, please?

Name it.

Lay off the drugs and alcohol and little please, at least on your last couple of nights, I have to deal with your come downs and hangovers and it isn’t fun.

Done deal dude.

Well if you do, I’ll let you request me more often then, I was tempted to quit today when I knew I was becoming you.

You know, this process takes half an hour, we could, if you wanted fuck in here, no one will know, then you’ll know what it feels like to be fucked by a stallion like me.

Sure as long as we can do it when we swap back too.


Still standing nose to nose, I realised that some time had already passed, his face now looked like mine and I was now slightly taller than him.

I spun around and he managed to push his already hard penis into me, it’s a good job the machine had already made us naked. I expected it to hurt, but it didn’t, it was quite pleasurable. I felt everything though and it did feel weird, something, a dick going in and out of my butt. Every time he pulled out it felt like I was having a number 2! I was also watching my body change more. The weirdest part was when he slammed his dick into me and I felt his abs push against my back. Then his dick pulled out a little as my slightly larger stomach was replaced with his abs and his abs were replaced by my stomach. He began to cum, but then stopped, for a split second I felt nothing in my butt, but then I began to cum. I now had his dick.

Fuck,dude, that’s weird, I was cumming. My body and mind was in orgasm mode, but then my dick became yours and now it’s just my mind in orgasm and your cumming instead of me.

Fuck, yeah that was weird, only one way to fix it though, keep fucking.

A few moments later we were fully swapped, and he cummed for the second time, technically first, but who’s counting? His sexy clothes pleaded on my body and my work gear on his. He still had his dick in my butt when the pod opened.

The tech guys simply said “had fun boys? Don’t worry it happens more than you might think!

See you or rather me in a week. I have an idea to control my drinking whilst in your body if your up for it?


Well today is Wednesday, how about we hang on Monday and Tuesday. You can control what I drink and eat, then you won’t have the come down when we swap back.

Sure, so long as we call it a date?

It’s definitely a date, date night. Can’t wait to spend a couple of nights with you/ me.



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