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Mikey - pronounced “Mike ‘E’” was so protective over his name, but he would only allow it to be used as his preferred pronunciation whilst he was in possession of his body, any other time he insisted he was called Mike or Michael if in a formal setting. Mikey had one sole purpose in life and he had no way of getting out of it unless someone purchased the contract to his purpose.

A couple of years back he was much healthier and fitter than he currently is, but he, or rather his body had been on holiday for two years and he hadn’t stayed in his own body for longer than 24 hours in those two years. The issue was he refused to say no and whenever he was in his body he would be straight back on the app offering his “holiday” body for quite a lot less money than an actual holiday. He was the top performer for the company he worked for. He would often get “stags” becoming him for one last night, or week of fun before their wedding day. He would get gay guys entering his body, straight guys too and although anyone under the age of 16 was allowed to use the service he would get families wanting the services he would offer. It was cheaper to fly out a family of 3 than a family of four even with the cost of the body swap.

Now though the bosses were getting worried. His body that had been so fit and healthy was getting bigger. No one on holiday would go to the gym in his body, why would they? He enjoyed being out of his body that much and becoming literally, anyone, everyone else that he could no longer say no. The bosses even threatened to terminate his employment, thus rendering his body unable to use the holiday switch service. But after only 2 days of the threat and deactivated his swap ability as a threat they had to turn it back on again, they were loosing too much money.

I myself had used his body at least ten times over the last two years. The bosses even used me to try to communicate with him saying he had to take a break but he wouldn’t listen. He was enjoying being others too much and he was earning a lot of money. They gave him one last chance, a 2 week vacation, he wouldn’t loose any money he could even have the vacation in someone else’s body, all expenses paid but he refused and he went on his way into his next body. Me!

Now, what he didn’t know at that point is I had bought out his contract and he wouldn’t be returning to his own body after the two weeks or ever again. The bosses said that I had to take a 2 week vacation straight away. The same terms applied, all expenses paid but I chose to stay in Mikeys body. The only other conditions were that I had to get his or rather my body back in shape and to do this I had to take 48 hours between each swap and take 2 weeks off every twelve weeks. It was the first thing I did when I got control of his booking app.

The booking for the next two weeks, me, or the former me, had been notified that the booking had been cancelled. But none of my other clients were affected by the other vacations or the 48 hour rule.

This of course got the former Mikey assuming that he would return to his own body, but that wasn’t the case. Agents from the company would by now be arriving at his door to tell him the news. From what I heard, although he wasn’t pleased he accepted his fate! He was American now, he was me and I was well and truly British, and northern! Although I hadn’t set foot on English soil in years.

Now to hit the gym for a couple of weeks and then have a completely new vacation or holiday as the English say. New body’s every week and I can’t wait.



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