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I was below my quota for writing people up for speeding and minor infractions. Not normally a problem but this would be the third month I was below quota and my boss said if I didn’t make it this month I’d be off the team and demoted to a regular officer on the beat. Quota was easy to meet but I had been using my powers to let people get away with it.

Fines were $70 - $125 and the way I let people off was by giving them access to my body and life for each hour per $ fine, $70, 70 hours. I sold it to them as their chance to be an officer of the law for a while. Of course that meant I got their body and life for the exact same period. It was all safe, there was no way to keep someone’s body for longer than the fine allowed, automatic recall and body transformation meant that I became myself again after the agreed period.

I should really write him up, but he’s cute. I still have 2 weeks to hit my quota and maybe he will get a few tickets issued whilst he has my body?

Oskar, your infringement of speeding and smoking an illegal substance whilst in charge of a motor vehicle is $125, if you don’t pay you could be incarcerated for up to a year.

$125 I can’t afford that!

Fuck! Well there is another way. I can offer the use of my body, your chance to be a cop. The fine is cancelled and whilst you have my body, I have yours. It’s your choice at this point, pay the fine, risk being locked up if you don’t, or take my body for 125 hours whilst I have yours.

And when does this need to happen?

Right away Oskar.

But I have plans for the weekend.

Don’t worry about your plans, I’ll take care of everything for you. Besides, when you get your body back you’ll still remember everything I did whilst in your body, just like you were in it. You’ll also remember a lot about me, about being a cop and you’ll get corrected, you’ll stop speeding or doing anything illegal, like smoking pot!

Oh! A little weird but heck if it saves me money and jail time, I’ll do it.

Ok, step into my vehicle Oskar! Sit on the drivers seat!

He did just that and I sat on the opposite side.

Is this going to hurt?

You will hardly feel a thing.

Okay, no funny business.

What do you mean funny business?

Don’t be touching me, kissing me asking for sex.

Oh there’s none of that. My police computer does all the work when it’s in a certain mode. Especially adapted just for me to use to get people out of fines. That brings me to another problem. Whilst you are me you have to fine as many people as possible, legitimately of course! I need to hit a quota and I am massively behind helping guys like you out is going to ruin me!

Okay officer, or should I say Oskar?

Either is fine. I’m going to activate the swap now ok? The first thing that will happen is all of your clothes will disappear.

I said no funny business!

And there won’t be, but we have to be naked for the process. If we were clothed when my body entered your clothes, they would be destroyed due to our different sizes. Don’t worry once it’s over you’ll be wearing my uniform. We won’t be naked for long!


The device was activated and the process began. First all of our clothes dissolved under our skin. He was asked to place the palm of his hand on the screen right next to mine and hold it there. Then our bodies began to change.

My feet became a little smaller and narrower, at the same time his became longer and wider, my legs lost most of their muscle and became slightly longer, all of my hairs became almost none existent and a lighter colour. Whilst the hairs on his legs got longer and darker, his legs physically shorter and more muscular. After a few more minutes my torso had lost most of its shape as it brcame his, I felt like I had lost a lot of upper body strength but I had gained his cobble six pack, pecs and tattoos. His torso had swelled into mine. My face soon became much younger as it was replaced by his and my cropped hair was replaced by his styled mullet. My powerful arms were next, replaced by his, his replaced with mine as he gained all my muscle. Our hands were next to. Our dicks and butts were next to change.

This is your dick then? Why is it hard? You getting off by becoming me?

No it’s your dick now, well it is for the next 125 hours. My, well your dick is hard too. It’s a side effect of the swap. Both dicks are quite impressive!

I prefer my own but hey like you said this is mine for now!

It was at that point he looked over at me! Fuck, your me. I feel like I’m looking in a mirror only I know I’m not besides your not moving like a reflection would.

No shit! I’m you because your me. Haven’t you watched your body change and expand.

Yeah, course I did, but it was the first time I looked at you and saw ME! Why can’t I take my hand off the screen?

There is a bit more to transform yet we need each others minds and we still need each others clothes!

I ain’t wearing your cop uniform, not today I’m exploring my new found borrowed muscle. It’s a bit weird wearing someone else’s clothes in it?

Look man, your me now got to behave like me and that means wearing my uniform. None of your former clothes will fit your body now , not even your socks, anyway and you can’t exactly be naked. You’re wearing my body, it’s not like you’re wearing someone else’s clothes on it. They came off me, you became me so they go back on you! And you really think wearing someone else’s clothes is weird, you’re wearing someone else’s body! It’s too late now anyway, my uniform is appearing on you now.

Fuck yeah! And all your equipment, your guns and shit.

The memories will start to surface now too.

Fuck, why am I only wearing a coat, where is the rest of my clothes?

When you get all my memories, you’ll realise I left in a hurry, shagging some lad and his husband came home.

And you left my t shirt there?

Looks like it. Didn’t even notice.

His husband is probably hot on my tail if he’s found my clothes. You’d better let me off with speeding or give me an escort.

Yeah brother I’ll sort you an escort. Lead to can do for ya, for me really in it?

Yeah it’s for you really! Please stop using so much slang! It’s not like me.

Yes ok. No worries officer, I mean Oskar! I’ll sort them write ups out for you too. Better be in your way now see you, well me in 125 hours.

How long is that again? I seem to have lost some brain power as well as muscle!

5 and a quarter days Oscar. Don’t worry we will find each other and swap back. Even if we don’t find each other we will just swap back.

Part 2? Oskar gets arrested and needs bailing out? Let me know if you want this in the comments or inbox!



Kis Andor

Cool story, more.... :D