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I paid him quite a substantial amount of money for this video. I asked him for it as part of my plans. I needed some of his bodily fluids to enable my body swap with him. I couldn’t ask him for sperm, I didn’t know him well enough, I’m sure he wouldn’t of been up for blood, piss he would of just thought was weird so sweat was my only option. It was a little disgusting but it would give me what I needed. He even agreed to a private meet and give me his sweet sweat.

I must admit I wasn’t expecting such a large amount of sweat or such a seductive video. Just after he sent the video he text me his address and said he was taking a shower and I should come over in half an hour.

I had already prepped the two bottles of body swapping protein. Conveniently they looked just like his favourite drink, Mountain Dew! One bottle contained my cum, which he would need to drink. The other was waiting for his sweat which I would need to drink.

As soon as I arrived I offered him the bottle containing my cum. He instantly opened it and began drinking it. He invited me in to his home and handed me the bottle of his sweat. He asked what I planned to do with it. I didn’t answer and changed the subject. Then he disappeared into another room so I added some of his sweat to my bottle, shook it and drank some. I followed him in to the other room where he was sat down buckled over in pain.

I sat next to him and tried to comfort him by running my hand over his back. That seemed to change the whole prospective and speed things up a lot. I felt my aging beer belly shrink down and watched as his amazing abs swelled into a beer gut. My beer gut.

Before long we had both completely transformed into each other. The best part of all is he had no idea it had happened.



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