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Brad was one of those who people either loved or hated, there was no in-between. Personally, I hated his attitude but I adored his looks. I was a body swapper too and if I wanted to

I could just take his body as my own and get to know him personally but that wasn't the way I worked.

I wanted him to want a body swap and I had a unique way of doing it. All I needed to do was allow their body to connect with mine, but it had to be them touching me, not me touching them and it had to be their dicks so the challenge was quite tough! Luckily though there didn't need to be any skin-on-skin contact.

A few days back I got my chance. I was tidying up the warehouse and he came to me whilst I was leaning against some stock to ask me a question. Weirdly for him my hand was at exactly the same level as his groin. And he approached and managed to run his dick across my hand. That was it, that was the key to making this happen. The “spark” happened instantly and he asked me a different question to the one he really wanted the answer too.

“You know what would be really fun, if people could swap bodies with each other. I'd happily do it with someone like you, anyone in fact!” he said.

Well mate, its your lucky day if you like I can swap our bodies and since it's you who asked me, my ability will pass on to you and you will also be able to swap bodies with anyone you like.

Yeah right, as if that's possible!

It is bro, I can demonstrate if you'd like. Something small, let's try our left hands!

Okay! I grabbed his left hand by the wrist and gave it a twist it came right off and I was now holding it with my right hand.

Wow that didn't hurt in the slightest. And I can still wiggle my fingers even though it's not attached to me.

I told him to do the same with my left hand which he did. I then attached his left hand to my arm and he did the same with mine.

Fuck, this is weird your hand is attached to my arm and I'm using it just like its my own.


So is this how we swap bodies, detach parts of each other and reattach them to our selves.

Yes and no. This is good for small swaps, body parts. Like if you wanted a bigger, or smaller dick. Full swaps require a trade of cum but there is also the temporary swap which I can show you how to do first.

Wait, I want to do a few more body parts. Let's swap feet!

I'll do one foot then we need to swap back and move onto the temporary body swap.

He grabbed me right foot and twisted it off at the ankle, then did the same with his own. He plonked his foot onto the end of my leg. I have to admit it was quite a horn experience having his grotty boot attached to my leg. I'm not sure if it made it more appealing that his boots were brown and mine were black I know it made me extremely horny. Once he was satisfied we swapped out hands and feet back.

The next part is a little weird and it only works if they touch you accidentally not if you touch them deliberately. But you get their entire body, or rather a duplicate if it, everything apart from their nipples. It's great if your in a shop, or maccy d’s and there is a lad you like the look of. Accidently on purpose make them touch you, you become a copy of them and only change back when you touch your own nipples. They keep their own body too, unless they know about it where it becomes a full swap including the nipples. But you must swap back within 24 hours or you forget who you were and loose the swapping ability. Shall we try? Touch me!

Oh fuck, that was quick, I'm you, exactly the same as you. How do you become me?

Your nipples dude, I gotta touch them.


In an instant, I had his entire body and he had mine. Using his voice I asked him if he was now convinced that body swapping was possible and he agreed. Then I asked if he was sure he wanted my body permentally and he said yes. We swapped back and finished work for the day.

Somehow the thrill of a body swap got him extremely excited and horny. All the way home back to his place he was feeling my leg and touching me up. It clearly wasn't accidental so we didn't swap. As soon as we were back at his place he was ripping my clothes off and forcing me to bear down on his dick. It didn't take me that long to cum. Then he lifted my legs over his shoulders and fucked me too. It took even less time for him to cum.

Our swaps began instantly but permanent swaps lasted a little longer. We sat opposite each other on his bed and as we felt out own bodies converting we watched each others at the same time. It took about half an hour. I loved my new smooth body and he appeared to love his new hairy one



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