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Heya, a short update, some of you who are on the discord know that I've been dealing with some health issues. I am on some new meds that are making me feel like shit, so it is a bit harder to write. The chapters are coming over the next week, along with the others that I owe. The schedule will be a bit sporadic (If it can be more than it is now) as I adjust.

Also, I am going to be suspending payments for all patrons starting June 1st, as a thank you for staying on here even with my chaotic schedule. You are still getting all the chapters for the month in June!




Hope you get better.


Hope you get better soon!


Is there a way to make it opt in for the free month? I don’t mind paying still.


Take care man!!

Donncha crowley

Take a break a couple weeks off and a holiday we still be here after


Is there a way to continue to support you through June 1st, even if subscriptions are paused. Doesn't sit well with me that while you are stressed and unwell you aren't making any money, causing more stress.

Olle Aronsson

Hold a vote for suspending the payments, im sure most of us actually want to support you while you’re not fit for fight!

Adam Miller

Definitely don't work for free dude, if you're dead set on holding payments just take a vacation


Concur - we’re supporting your work, not just asking for advance chapters. Take care of yourself first and catch back up when you get back in your feet.


Same! Take care of you and find create space for creative flow 🙌🏽