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Matt Creighton

What is this, a chapter for ants?


In previous chapters, mainly during vol. 1 and 2 I think, Anrosh has repeatedly complained about what is wrong in the sects, with their focus on appearance, honor and tradition. Anrosh has personally suffered under it and has therefore expressed the desire to change things at several occasions. But so far I can't see much of a change. Ryun has introduced some new things (for example the school for children to teach them about cultivation), but Anrosh seems to be adopting more and more the culture and behavior of the core sects and tries to imitate them. Too bad.


I’m always happy to have a new chapter but this felt like the nth chapter where Anrosh feels in over her head and doesn’t get the respect she should while dealing with running the sect. Kind of a pointless chapter. Hopefully future Anrosh chapters have a little more substance.

Tanner Lovelace

I disagree and think that this is perhaps the first chapter where Anrosh starts easing into the role she has for herself and perhaps it could lead to her feeling more comfortable with things. So, for me, this was quite an interesting chapter.


She is trying to change the margins. Unfortunately she doesn't have the backing or power to change larger things. I think her adoption of sect behavior and culture at the moment is more to lean into dealing with her current problems. She may not like it but she also doesn't feel like she has a choice. She is Immortal dealing with more powerful people. While no one may know that Ryun shared his inspiration with her, she does. So she knows she is weaker than others. She has taken in more people than Tali has wanted. And has had issues not just within the sect but outside it as well. Think of her as a reformer in Congress. Yes she has a voice, but she needs either to be a committee chairperson or speaker to have real power. Right now she can't effect real change until either Ryun shows up, or she finds her own inspiration to a higher realm.

Matt Creighton

I keep waiting for an update on her bond with kagehime, it's her one reliable way of advancing and apparently it just doesn't matter

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for the chapter Ivan Kal!!


Seems like a pointless and pretty boring chapter to me but I’m sure Ivan knows what he’s doing so thanks for the chapter