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Boost Infinite Realm on topwebfiction!



I am the only one that sees Anrosh’s problems as a non-issue? As soon as Ryun arrives they will have so much money they won’t even be able to spend fast enough. Sure she doesn’t know that for sure (although she should) given that he is coming back.


The problem is less the money and more the uneasy balance needed with two more powerful sub factions within the TMS. Money will solve some of the issue (though self-sufficiency will be needed), but the actual problem won't be solved until Ryun can over power everyone on the sect's territories. Zenshuan will respect his strength as a cultivator alongside his relationship with Selia and Erdania, but the Ornns will probably only be truly subordinate when Ryun hits Eternal and can keep Kayra and Ender in hand alongside Narya's relationship with Anrosh


Ryun will help soon

Donncha crowley

Ryun will gather the sect and guests half million warriors and attack the monsters both for money and experience